Archived A Late Introduction

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Aug 18, 2015
So I've been here for like...3 months? and I haven't formally introduced myself oops.

For all intents and purposes you can call me Kaitii (pronounced KITE-E) and depending on what sites you visit you'll find me on various ones under the same name. I am but a humble blob (who requests they/them pronouns but won't really complain either way) working as a cashier at a way old Target until I finish up school and become a vet tech.

I have 3 dogs, 2 cats, a bearded dragon and a couple hundred dubia roaches (okay they're dinner for the dragon but I do have a fondness for the breeder roaches). I love anime. Seriously. If any of you are interested in anime let's talk ;n;

Target wise, I'm pretty happy overall. It's been a great learning experience for me as my first job and it's been a hell of a way to get over the anxiety issues I've had for the last 4 years. My guilty pleasure is zoning and doing reshop for See Spot. I have fantasies about having a full shift dedicated to fixing up See Spot. My dream while I work here is to work overnight flow shifts. Also I hate red cards. Also couponers.

Let's get along c:
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Great to have you here.
I too am a big fan of anime.
You should start a thread.
I know there's on on cartoons but not one specifically on anime.
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