Archived AAR Tracking

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Jun 21, 2011
Hi everyone, so yesterday my TL had me head up to the TSC to show me some new reporting that our ETL-Salesfloor/GE had discovered. It is under MyPerformance and then there is an option to drill into AAR tracking and now they have a way to see how each tm is doing with AAR and even see how each tm did each shift they are scheduled in electronics. I think it's a cool report, but my question is, do any of you guys have your ETLs or TLs using this report to coach for AAR? At my store I feel our team is definitely driving for AAR since it's part of our job, just wondering how other stores are using this report, apparently it's not new, our ETL was just informed of its existence yesterday.
We just talked about this today at my store. Will definitely be used for coaching purposes. I have mixed feelings on it, but it is an incredibly cool report!
We just talked about this today at my store. Will definitely be used for coaching purposes. I have mixed feelings on it, but it is an incredibly cool report!

Yes Cel it does tie into your tm number on the register when ringing. Nolongerspecial, that's what I figured would happen with it. Now if I sell something to a guest and fill their cart with attachments, but they choose to checkout up front because the core items aren't secure and they can, the cashier will look awesome on AAR and I will miss out like I did on Monday when I sold a guest a printer and 4 attachments, but she had other shopping to do and asked if she could take the items with her, so of course I agreed. I also explained to my TL how when we have gift card offers and the guest gets 3 attachments with the Apple item, but wants to ring them seperately so they can use their gift card towards the accessories, we get 0 credit for AAR even though we still drove sales with 3 accessories. I love working in electronics, and I love driving AAR and service and my numbers are usually more than expected, but I just fear this report being taken as gospel and that it could make some look really good, and others look bad when the effort is there but the items are rang at the front lanes vs electronics or when gift cards are used from core items to purchase electronics.
I tried looking for this report today, but I was unable to find it. Does anyone know where it is located in myperformance?
We just talked about this today at my store. Will definitely be used for coaching purposes. I have mixed feelings on it, but it is an incredibly cool report!

Yes Cel it does tie into your tm number on the register when ringing. Nolongerspecial, that's what I figured would happen with it. Now if I sell something to a guest and fill their cart with attachments, but they choose to checkout up front because the core items aren't secure and they can, the cashier will look awesome on AAR and I will miss out like I did on Monday when I sold a guest a printer and 4 attachments, but she had other shopping to do and asked if she could take the items with her, so of course I agreed. I also explained to my TL how when we have gift card offers and the guest gets 3 attachments with the Apple item, but wants to ring them seperately so they can use their gift card towards the accessories, we get 0 credit for AAR even though we still drove sales with 3 accessories. I love working in electronics, and I love driving AAR and service and my numbers are usually more than expected, but I just fear this report being taken as gospel and that it could make some look really good, and others look bad when the effort is there but the items are rang at the front lanes vs electronics or when gift cards are used from core items to purchase electronics.

I had a long talk about this with our ETL salesfloor today, because the fact that all of the big items come with a giftcard does make getting attachments really difficult, and I specifically asked about sending items to the front lanes. He said that, at least at our store, the report will be used to identify those who consistently under perform - not to target those who miss a day here and there. Since this new report assigns each TM a percentage on daily level, it'll be really easy to identify those who are at least putting effort into it, against those who clearly aren't interested in trying. It'll be interesting to see how it really gets handled, though.

I will say, the new report can definitely be an awesome tool to help identify everyone's individual strengths and weaknesses. For example, we have one person on our electronics team who is AWESOME at getting attachments on items with giftcards, and another one who really excels at service plans - and just digging through that report yesterday we identified someone who seems to be rock solid at TV attachments. So we can definitely use that knowledge to help polish up the approach for those that may be struggling.

It has the ability to be both a really cool resource and a total nightmare for the team at the same time.

In my store though, there's really no benefit to trying to coach people out of electronics, as we literally have no team members who could fill those spaces.
I was too informed of this today...I just said "Alright..." AAR has been difficult lately I mean I'm asking and stuff but people are just buying the actual attachments and small things and sometimes our AAR log has only 1-2 entries

Super bowl weekend and the weekend leading up to this week before v-day was freaking awesome...but now it seems the gift giving splurge is over and AAR is now red :I gf our B volume store

With personal scores..I could see this being used maybe to cause a reduction in a Electronic TM's hours or something kinda like Redcards 😱
i feel our store will bemusing this to coach team members. seems a little unfair, but it is what it is.
My TL showed us the new AAR reports also, pretty neat. He did say they were just looking at YTD scores for the most part, since they understood sometimes you have a bad day or people going up front. Think my AAR is at around 80% or so YTD, only 1 TM is red I think.
What I have observed is an increase of spider wrapped electronics going to the front to check with the guests other items. If I was still in electronics I would absolutely send guests to the front if they aren't buying attachments. Sorry. Our registers back here are down. You will have to go to the front to check out.
What I have observed is an increase of spider wrapped electronics going to the front to check with the guests other items. If I was still in electronics I would absolutely send guests to the front if they aren't buying attachments. Sorry. Our registers back here are down. You will have to go to the front to check out.
Your AAR still includes items purchased up front. It would only save your personal numbers a little bit, but the department would still be affected, so it's not really worth it to send them to the front.
What I have observed is an increase of spider wrapped electronics going to the front to check with the guests other items. If I was still in electronics I would absolutely send guests to the front if they aren't buying attachments. Sorry. Our registers back here are down. You will have to go to the front to check out.
Your AAR still includes items purchased up front. It would only save your personal numbers a little bit, but the department would still be affected, so it's not really worth it to send them to the front.

It would however help his personal AAR scores and prevent him from being coached probably.
It would however help his personal AAR scores and prevent him from being coached probably.

Precisely. This is exactly what's happening, at least in my store.

That's what I meant. I was TL electronics 18 months before I was shifted to another department before Q4 last year. We were a top 100 in AAR. Last week it was below 20% and red everywhere for YTD.
From what I've read, these reports should only be considered as one metric in determine when to coach a TM. The info I read specifically stated that coaching a should not be delivered based on the report, but on holistic observations of the TL with additional info from the report. Will that happen? Don't know...
From what I've read, these reports should only be considered as one metric in determine when to coach a TM. The info I read specifically stated that coaching a should not be delivered based on the report, but on holistic observations of the TL with additional info from the report. Will that happen? Don't know...

Not to repeat myself but metrics are always supposed to be used as a piece of the process when it comes to coaching a TM.
When you have good management who don't have Spot breathing down their neck that will be the case.
Otherwise the metric will be the end all be all and you will be coached, even fired based on those numbers.
Can anyone tell me if esp still count as attachments
Only for the electronics items that are tracked. If you sell it on a vacuum, it doesn't help the store's overall score. We thought it did, but after some testing, we found that it makes no difference one way or another.
Can anyone tell me if esp still count as attachments
Only for the electronics items that are tracked. If you sell it on a vacuum, it doesn't help the store's overall score. We thought it did, but after some testing, we found that it makes no difference one way or another.
That's interesting, the report summary did not a breakout of the main item to go with the attachment. The report lists all the folks including front end & electronics folks who had rang up items that get esp's, attachments & how many times total times on register ringing up items. My etl-hl had 4 chances to get all the above & had no luck. Not even on the red card too. My upper mgt knows we are trying hard.
The report summary lists the person who did the transaction, what the item was, and if there was an attachment/ESP with it...I don't remember if it listed the actual attachment. But anything out of the core group of electronics items doesn't count towards the AAR.
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