Archived Adjacency Cal query

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Nov 9, 2014
Curious, when looking at the adjacency calendar on workbench, some of the set hours are outlined in a red box. What does that mean?
Since no one else has answered yet, I'll take a stab at it. When adjecency hours are created, they are not store-specific. The red box represent an adjusted negative allocation of hours to your store because you receive less product than the original adjacency.
The red box means there has been a change in the allocated hours since when the adjacency was created.

I'm not implying it is "red boxed" for every change. But if it is, there has been a change in the set hours. Not negative or positive, just any change.
Ahh, that makes sense now. Considering that the adjacency calendar has advanced views up to 6 weeks, adjustments would happen. I appreciate the response. Thanks.
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