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I would ignore it at this point, since saying anything to him might just cause more drama and Spot hates drama. Depending on the politics in your store, HR may not help you anyway. As long as the rest of your leadership is satisfied with your performance you should be fine, but keep an eye out for any changes in the way leadership treats you, he may be trying to submarine you with other members of leadership. Just a guess, but it sounds to me like your closing lead is envious of your success. You proved that you could do the job when you were running the team without the pay, so you have earned your promotion. If your closing lead says anything to you directly, be sure to document everything in case you need to take a chance on going to HR later. Just continue doing your best and good luck!
As a TL with plenty of good and bad TLs around me, I can honestly say; that TL is jealous (and possibly threatened) by you.

It's also possible your name has come up often (brought up by other TLs, ETLs or even the SD) and likely as a challenge to how that closing TL is doing their job in comparison to how you're Doing yours.

I wouldn't challenge them. Just keep doing you. If they're going through a rough patch, it's not your problem. It's their's.
What's your relationship like with the closing lead? I might look for a moment to say something like, "I've heard some mumbling about how I didn't earn my current position, and that it might even have come from you. Is there something we need to talk about to clear the air?" You'd be providing an opportunity for either a response of "I have no idea what you mean and I think you're a great TL" or "Well, there is something that's been bugging me and I'm glad to have a chance to talk about it." I'd try to go into it with a listening attitude, not on the defense - because it doesn't sound like you have to defend yourself, but maybe the closing lead needs to get something off their chest.
Thank you for all the advice everyone i figured the best route would be to rise above it, but just wanted some perspective.
I say rise above it, but it might not be a bad idea to talk to someone you trust just in case in gets worse. Dont want him to sway others against you, particularly your etl or sd. Hopefully it isnt more then just a passing comment. Usually the poor performers get weeded out eventually.
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