Time Wasters that my TL makes me do.

This was somewhat true at Sears but has not been my experience at all in Target Softlines. Our guests are feral. They truly don't care how nice something looks. They take a t shirt from a freshly-zoned table or shelf, open it up, then roll it in a ball and toss it back. No regard.
Ditto hba. Mostly deoderant. They pop 3 or 4,toss them into the pushers , then buy or steal their 5th choice. Lowest form of shopper. Lately our music has cut out for an hour at a time and the ECHO of tamper-ers popping lotions, shampoo, and body wash is laughable. Good strategy move to making these sensory goblins more self aware. But I digress....no time wasting requests really . A quik touch up round the department I do on my own ocd
Things we find in our aisles are unbelievable. Just today I found a half eaten apple , a Starbucks coffee can with a hole punched on it somehow on the side that caused the can to explode all over the shelf , lots of cups with leftover drinks, three pieces of new socks (probably they stole the rest),lots of cut open candies. If I’m not picking them up , no body will . I saw other TMs walking right past some of these stuffs . They don’t even pick stuff off the floor . I could just go on and on.
Things we find in our aisles are unbelievable. Just today I found a half eaten apple , a Starbucks coffee can with a hole punched on it somehow on the side that caused the can to explode all over the shelf , lots of cups with leftover drinks, three pieces of new socks (probably they stole the rest),lots of cut open candies. If I’m not picking them up , no body will . I saw other TMs walking right past some of these stuffs . They don’t even pick stuff off the floor . I could just go on and on.
I pick stuff up off the floor constantly that other TMs just walk right by, including fallen signs and all kinds of trash. It's my past security training; all I see is slip, trip, and fall dangers. Funny how AP doesn't seem concerned at all.