I love how Target claimed that stores will get to headcount naturally through attrition. Thats totally not the case, its either perform or be performanced out.
We're almost at headcount through attrition. CTL took a LOA way back, extra GSTL is now Sbux TL, extra ETLs are now ETL-HR/AP and ETL-GE/SF. Only thing left is the Flow TL and BR TL combining into a Replenishment TL.
If Karma's on her toes, that TL would wind up locked in a trailer for the better part of a night.One of my TL's actually came up to me and told me that they figured out which TM had called the 800# and now they were putting the TM back on the unload process to try to get them to leave. The TL was proud of this. This is the attitude my store prides itself on.
Should be interesting times ahead @oath2order
True. So tell me this, are you expected to "treat other TM's as TL's" even though they aren't on the bench, just because your own TL is lazy as hell ?Sadly, I would.....given what happens at MY store.
Document all events. Fill out great team survey, truthfully.That TL along with my actual TL make my life living hell. People would never believe the things that go on in my store.
That is something that I tell all TM's. When doing the BTS many think it's a great time to "blast" the company. That's the first thing they see right through and discard, be honest, be truthful, and be classy. Majority of it will probably end up being negative. There is a positive way to tell a negative story, that is how you get people to listen, no one likes a tyrant or a tirade. Even if you end up calling the hotline, do it with as much class as you can muster. Believe me I know it's hard. If enough people did it this way it MIGHT get a little bit of change, MIGHT.Document all events. Fill out great team survey, truthfully.That TL along with my actual TL make my life living hell. People would never believe the things that go on in my store.
true story.The only problem with cleaning the leadership out in a store now, is most likely the replacements will not be any better. When all you have to offer is low pay, high stress and a game of what ETL/TL positions will be removed next year, your not exactly going to get the cream of crop. Ad that to the perception that Target is a company on the way down and your going to get the people who are desperate but, not dedicated. Granted Target did this to themselves but, it is the TMs in the store who pay the price.