Archived Am I the only one that actually LIKES modernization?

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Sep 11, 2019
Seriously, all I ever see are hundreds of people complaining about their jobs and saying “screw Target” and “Brian Cornell is selfish” and “modernization is a failure”

I for one, personally love my job, I consistently get 40 hours a week. Have always gotten 40 a week at the 7 different stores I’ve worked at in the past 4 years. And I genuinely love my job, not just the people I work with, not just my store, but my job. I love what I do. But anyways, that’s not what I’m here to ask.

Seriously, where are my homies at that LOVE modernization? My current store has personally seen a huge increase in sales, our original sales are 8.2% up from last year. We were last remodeled in 2011, and we’re not slated to start until late next year. Nothing has changed, the community hasn’t had any drastic changes, no competitors shutting down, no major construction changes, no leadership changes. The ONLY thing that has changed at my store is the implementation of modernization, and I LOVE it. My department (toys) is currently ~13% in the green, purely because I solidly get to focus on JUST TOYS. I finish my truck every day, I get all my back stock done, my BRLA hasn’t been below 99% in a very long time. Honestly, it just works.
I like what modernization sets out to do....however I hate the tools I'm given to make it work. We just don't have enough payroll to make it work in my store, and leadership isn't the greatest. Our whole backroom is an Osha violation. Also, I'm just forever going to be salty about our Jean reward. It's so insulting. Give me a raise. Give me a bonus. The company makes money? Then I should make money. Hooray for people that arent negatively effected by modernization, but it's just illogical to say it's been perfect. Modernization is about cutting costs.
I like what modernization sets out to do....however I hate the tools I'm given to make it work. We just don't have enough payroll to make it work in my store, and leadership isn't the greatest. Our whole backroom is an Osha violation. Also, I'm just forever going to be salty about our Jean reward. It's so insulting. Give me a raise. Give me a bonus. The company makes money? Then I should make money. Hooray for people that arent negatively effected by modernization, but it's just illogical to say it's been perfect. Modernization is about cutting costs.
Gotta disagree, being able to wear jeans is awesome. I live in jeans and can't stand khaki pants.
I'm okay with it most of the time.

There are days it sucks and the workloads seem unrealistic. There's also the question of allocated hours that came with modernization that have really hindered process, moral, etc. I also hate that turn around is at it's highest it seems.

But the opportunities to 'wow' and just grow in general are a huge plus.

I also love when it all comes together and you see it working.

I am a firm believer though that it really does take a village, and when modernization won't work it's the leaders who tend not to put in the brains or effort to have it work. Yes, there are TM's who just complain and don't want to do the recommendations, but for the majority of anyone who is slipping it's really up to the leaders to step in. And I don't mean having conversations or coaching. I mean setting the team for success. That can be many things
You are going to lose people when you tell them that you are working 40 hours a week. Modernization, definitely does work when you get those hours. The ones that are a little uneasy with the advancement of modernization and with the DBO setup are not getting those hours, not even close.

The ones who have had success with modernization routinely have 30+ hours a week to work. The ones that don't, 20 or less. The ones who routinely get the hours, albeit not always, are the much larger stores.

I cannot fathom why people who have this advantageous arrangement cannot grasp why some stores succeed and some don't.

Another thing that is sighted routinely is the willingness to pick up hours. Well I hate to break it to some of you whose stores allow that, a good many stores do not. Somebody called out or not enough staffing with available hours to give, well guess what, sorry not extending people or bringing in anyone in even when you can switch someone out in another department at that exact moment before they get off of work from a short shift. As a TL I have to deal with this nonsense on a continual basis.
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I love what it is meant to do, and the processes we use to do it. I love one to ones. I love DBOs. My base team of DBOs gets 30+ hours a week in a four truck week.

I also love seeing the changes. We have a FULL salesfloor. SFQ is relatively accurate, and the back room is emptying out.

My expectations for hours match what the company sends us. I don't know if it's due to my experience that it makes sense or that we get more hours than other stores.
I’m the oddity too:

Khaki 99% of the time because I have so many they’re my go-to even on days off.

I LIKE modernization. It’s not working in ALL departments in my store yet but that’s mainly because we’re 2 TL short and the tm’s in those depts. are not getting the support and supervision to have good routines.
I like how it's a plan to keep Target open but lack of payroll does play into things.
I like it, but honestly I did most of the things that came with it before it happened so it was an easy switch for me personally. As a DBO my hours vary by week but I usually get 27 - 35 hours and I often stay later because my work load is bigger than most and for the most part my store gives DBO's the hours to work with what their work load is. There are a couple things about modernization that I dont agree with but maybe I will grow to like it or be used to it at a certain point.
I like it, but honestly I did most of the things that came with it before it happened so it was an easy switch for me personally. As a DBO my hours vary by week but I usually get 27 - 35 hours and I often stay later because my work load is bigger than most and for the most part my store gives DBO's the hours to work with what their work load is. There are a couple things about modernization that I dont agree with but maybe I will grow to like it or be used to it at a certain point.
I would be THRILLED to get those hours! I honestly love the idea of having DBOs, I would love to get my own area but our store is seriously dragging their feet on this. There are lots of murmers about it starting in a few weeks, but no one has been told anything about what departments they may get.

For those who are already on the DBO program in Softlines, how was it implemented in your store? Were you pulled in and told what area you would be covering? Did you have any input in the decision? Are there TMs who aren't DBOs and just zone and push reshop wherever they are assigned? Would it be worth it for me to talk to leadership about this, and express my interest in a certain area?
I would be THRILLED to get those hours! I honestly love the idea of having DBOs, I would love to get my own area but our store is seriously dragging their feet on this. There are lots of murmers about it starting in a few weeks, but no one has been told anything about what departments they may get.

For those who are already on the DBO program in Softlines, how was it implemented in your store? Were you pulled in and told what area you would be covering? Did you have any input in the decision? Are there TMs who aren't DBOs and just zone and push reshop wherever they are assigned? Would it be worth it for me to talk to leadership about this, and express my interest in a certain area?

All the leaders at my store are amazing, they want everything done by the book or as close to it as possible but want us DBO's to have fun with our areas. I am very fortunate to get the hours I do I know alot of the time the DBO's here will just get 5 hour shifts.

I am not soft lines but at our store the girls each have their own areas and when they are done with those they will be asked to zone other areas and help others who may need the help. So I dont think it would hurt you to talk to your leaders about the changes in modernization and if it will be leading your store to have DBO's in soft lines and what areas you think would benefit from you working in them on a regular basis.
It's not a reward for making sales. God, retail workers are so easily bought. No wonder we have shit pay and benefits.
The pay and benefits are the nature of the business. You are not going to get rich in retail unless you want to climb the corporate ladder. And you could be the most amazing retail worker who ever lived and there is still only so much a company will do for you. It's NEVER going to change. But wearing jeans is a perk that I greatly enjoy. It costs the company nothing, true, but they did not HAVE to do that.
I'm liking my job more, but I think that's more because a certain TL and a certain ETL transferred to different stores a few months ago. I do like being a DBO, but wow, do I wish I could get hours like the OP does. It's about all I can do most days to get my truck pushed and back stock taken care of; didn't even come close to it yesterday.
We'll see. I've opened up my availability just recently after talking to a TL about learning how to do sales planners and the other stuff I haven't done before. 4th quarter always means more hours, so probably that'll work until January ... and getting pulled away to help in other areas? Doesn't do me any good when it comes to keeping my area as it should be, although I'll still appreciate the larger paycheck while it lasts.
Say. Something. Nice. Aredhel. Say it. Nice.
I’ve deleted additional content 3 times. It may or may not have included these words or phrases. Backbacon. Golden toooks. Pharmacy. Policy. E2E. Attitude. Senior. Enhanced. Performance. Hours. Metrics. Steritech is Scaritech. Clean and green. Issues. $15. El Chupacabra. Thank you.
@DaddyBackstock i love the username.
The pay and benefits are the nature of the business. You are not going to get rich in retail unless you want to climb the corporate ladder. And you could be the most amazing retail worker who ever lived and there is still only so much a company will do for you. It's NEVER going to change. But wearing jeans is a perk that I greatly enjoy. It costs the company nothing, true, but they did not HAVE to do that.

Aye so fuck asking for more money I guess. The nature of the business depends on people like you that are happy with pizza parties. That's the side of the fence you're on.
Aye so fuck asking for more money I guess. The nature of the business depends on people like you that are happy with pizza parties. That's the side of the fence you're on.
I never partake of food at work - too much of a germaphobe, lol.

I want more money and more hours just like most people. When in the past I've found myself in a position to negotiate, I fought hard for what I felt I deserved. I even did the same when I was first hired at Spot, but was told nope sorry, no extra money for you and your 30 years of experience. But I needed to get back to work so here I am.

All of that doesn't mean I can't enjoy wearing jeans to work, dude.
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