Animals in the Store

Honestly I think it would do good for Target’s brand if they embrace being pet-friendly
And embrace being unfriendly to people suffering phobias and unfriendly to people with allergies.

And being unfriendly to people who don't like dogs and don't want to share space with an unleashed dog that may pee, poop, jump out of the cart or bite, or wonder of the cart they are using had a dog pee or poop in it prior to them using it.
And embrace being unfriendly to people suffering phobias and unfriendly to people with allergies.

And being unfriendly to people who don't like dogs and don't want to share space with an unleashed dog that may pee, poop, jump out of the cart or bite, or wonder of the cart they are using had a dog pee or poop in it prior to them using it.
I’m not saying I would like it or agree with it. I’m just putting my marketing cap on. It would be good for the brand.
You'd have to have managers that have balls of steel, like the managers of Petsmart and Petco when a dog becomes unruly, and you'd have to have corporate support throwing an unruly dog out. If there's a fail and someone got hurt by a pet dog, that good for the brand would turn into absolute shit for the brand.

And Petsmart and Petco are pet friendly, not dog friendly. You can take your pet iguana in there with you. I took my cat one time, since I had to find a vest that would fit his fat belly and he had the right temperament to be trying on vests in a store.
Honestly I think it would do good for Target’s brand if they embrace being pet-friendly
But they can't for legal reasons. One, because of health code. Two, because of the potential distraction of actual service animals. Three, for safety concerns.
One of our cashiers was bitten by a dog in a guest's cart.
She attempted to hand the bag to the guest & was told to 'just put it in the cart'.
She looked at the dog & back at the lady who said "It's fine. He's ok."
After she got a good nip on the hand, she called the GSTL over but the lady was booking it out of the store.
AP had to stop her & ask to see if the rabies tags were up to date.
Bitch didn't even apologize 🙁
What was the point in AP asking? Think she'd tell the truth if they weren't?
I would done this.

Ask AP to file a police report to help identify the woman.
Get another TM to follow the person and get their plate number if possible.
Go to the ER after Target fills out the proper forms to get a checkup.

The last one is so important because I have known TMs that DID NOT GO to the ER after a WORK RELATED injury.
The dog had a collar with tags & they were current.
If they had no tags that would've been different.
As it was, she was warned about ever bringing her dog back & this was BEFORE the 'emotional support animal' craze.
Sounds like this store...

Did somebody say rats?

I love dogs (my current one is sacked out on the floor right in front of her bed as I type this). And I'm absolutely fine with dogs wearing their harness and service dog vest. Even had an interesting conversation one day with a guest who was training a puppy to be a leader dog.
What I'm not fine with is the obvious pet. Don't really care if it's well-behaved or not; not everyone loves dogs, some are allergic, some are even phobic about them - all those people should be able to shop at Target without worrying about coming across a dog that's isn't actually necessary to the guest who truly needs a service dog.
All that said, I just ignore the guest with the pet dog. No "oh isn't your dog so cute?!" - no "can I help you find something?" - no greeting at all. If they need help, they can ask.
I don't see the big deal. Horses and dogs are both legally disability service animals. Unusual yes, but legal yes.
Ah finally a thread about our late night whack bags that like to steal and poop in the chemicals aisle. . . .oh. . . .wait. . . Not that kind of thread. . .I will see myself out. . .
It is in the handbook that dogs and horses are acceptable service animals. I thought this was weird since only dogs are recognized as service animals under titles II and III of the ADA as of 10 years ago.
I saw a Q&A think on the DOJ website and while it focused heavily on dogs one paragraph did address horses, enough to say they legally qualify.

I hate how in the US we are afraid to hold people accountable for their actions anymore. From pets to out-of-control kids to disruptive public conversations to mask-wearing, it's like the assholes of the world have taken over and decent people have to just suck it up.
Indeed. Since the pandemic " everything is a "toy" and everywhere is a "playground" "

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