Anniversary Gift

I can't wait to get my 75 dollars after busting my ass for 15 years. I know they dont have to give anything and i appreciate that they do. It just seems so unsatisfying. Tbh id rather have a 5 dollar collectable dog that is only available for the milestone.
If you quit and then rehire, new hires at DCs get a 2,000 sign on bonus at hire. Really makes us long timers feel appreciated with 200 at 25, especially when the sign bonus was announced the same week most of us hit 25 along with the building. Guess nothing in life is fair, especially at Spot.
I got the $25 gift card on my 5th anniversary right after they gave me my correction action!

It wasn't from my main TL but another one who I later complained to HR about harassment on separate occasions later in the year.

The guy was over 50 years old like me and should have known better.
What about 30 yrs? A smirk and a pink slip? Not that anyone ever plans on being with spot for 30 yrs. I'm guessing $125? It would be a lark to know how many years, company wide, the employee with the longest continuous years has been with the company.
25 years is $200, paid out on your check. Then we heard new hires in our building would be getting $2000 at hire. HappyAnniversary to us.
I guess the bonus that one TM
Might get in the fall could be $2000?
i don’t remember the wording about it, it was during my review and my TL was not too sure about it either!!
I think if you work hard take on responsibility and ur ETL and SD recognize that they would make you a card and a gift hopefully regardless of what stupid card corporate sends
I got a $25 gift card for my 5 year... but my ETL wasn't sure concerned about giving it to me so by time he bothered to it had already been expired for about 2 months.
i hit my 5 havent received anything. i was wondering if it would be mailed or on my check.
For my 15th anniversary I got a giftcard that was inserted to this big card that the ETLs etc have signed. It took them awhile to give it to me. I was only concerned because it was shown on my paystub (the tax that they paid for the giftcard) and I haven’t gotten it yet. And the reason it took awhile because one of the ETL spilled drink on the card and they had to re-do the card.
What about 30 yrs? A smirk and a pink slip? Not that anyone ever plans on being with spot for 30 yrs. I'm guessing $125? It would be a lark to know how many years, company wide, the employee with the longest continuous years has been with the company.
My best friend in the store has been with spot for 40 years (as of last fall when I started).

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