Archived Anyone actually LOVE their job?

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I'm a college kid and my Target has been extremely flexible with my hours and time off requests. I get consistent hours because of my work station. I love my fellow team members and get along really well with my superiors. I couldn't ask for a better place to work. I truly feel sorry for people who are stuck at locations with bad ETLs and TLs, but that's not me.
I'm a college kid and my Target has been extremely flexible with my hours and time off requests. I get consistent hours because of my work station. I love my fellow team members and get along really well with my superiors. I couldn't ask for a better place to work. I truly feel sorry for people who are stuck at locations with bad ETLs and TLs, but that's not me.

I felt the same way while I worked there in college. My store, at least, worked with me on my schedule when I was in school and when I went away to school they'd let me work during my breaks from'd be hard to be a new hire at another retailer and have them have that immediately flexibility (if I did that at Target I'd of been termed) but since I had been there for awhile I met the requirements to take leave so it worked out great. I worked there for about five months after I graduated and found a job with better pay, but otherwise Target was a very good experience for me. I loved my coworkers and most of my superiors, and even the ones I didn't like as much I could deal with.
I love my job, however, I like everyone else hope for better pay. Coming from a job that made me 2 1/2 times what I make now is quite unfortunate. I understand it is retail, so I am just being patient. I guess the most frustrating thing to me is how unreasonable some of the Boot Camp ETL's can be to its TM's, believing that a 4 year degree in Art is equivalent to years of experience. I hope to be a better leader than that when I get my degree.
I've only been here a few days, so I can't really say. I had ONE customer yesterday who treated me like dirt, and it put me on edge. I was actually shocked at how upset she made me, as I'm usually very even tempered. Other than that I'm really liking things so far!
There are moments when I really dislike me job, but overall it hasn't been bad. Doesn't hurt that I've actually been getting recognized by TLs and ETLs for hard work. Not a kool-aid drinker, but easy to act like one :wink3:
I've only been here a few days, so I can't really say. I had ONE customer yesterday who treated me like dirt, and it put me on edge. I was actually shocked at how upset she made me, as I'm usually very even tempered. Other than that I'm really liking things so far!

If it makes you feel any better, just do what I do.... they are treating you like dirt because you are in a position where you have to be nice to them and it makes them feel better to hassle someone "beneath" them in that way.... so just spend a bit of time analyzing them in your mind.... most of the guests who act this way have all the signs of a person deep in debt, probably a drop out, probably have no job and on welfare, and otherwise miserable in life. In other words, take solace in the fact you are actually better than them and take pity on them whether than be angry/hurt.
I know, those "guests" feel like we're some sort of lesser humans because we work retail, but I can guarantee you that none of those military wives with their twenty credit cards have the degree that I do, or the true understanding of a hard days work.

Sometimes, though, I wish they knew that.
I used to love my job, but after I transferred to the store i'm at now I slowly started to hate it.
Before I actually did love coming to work, but now with the change in management and where the company is headed, makes it a lot less of a fun place to work at.

I miss my old ETL's...
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