Ok chill. First of all, I'm not keying in higher wages all willy-nilly. It's $1 and change higher than the starting rate. Secondly, I've definitely seen new hires negotiate a higher starting pay. It's all about the justification and the extra responsibilities they are expected to take on. The company model for GSAs is basically someone who can train new TMs and cover breaks/lunches for GSTLs. That's about it. They're not meant to be used to watch the front for an entire shift, send out equipment, order supplies, etc. However that's what I expect from MY GSAs. It's completely fair to other workcenters because I'm asking more from my GSAs than what's in their job description so I'm paying them more. If there are TMs in other departments that are taking on more responsibilities without higher pay, then that's an issue to take up with their ETL. Not my problem. They're always free to switch to my department. I'd welcome the extra hands.