It's a brave new world...
I hate to say it old man but you're sounding like the stereotypical old man who's shaking his fist, telling the younger generation to get off his lawn and not understanding the "kids these days." Face it, there are men out there who wear nail polish. If you think it looks stupid, that is your opinion that you are entitled to, but that doesn't mean Target should prohibit it. People have different ways of expressing themselves and as others have said, as long as they are getting work done I couldn't care less if they come in wearing a pearl necklace and pink hair to work, and they're male! Try that one on for size.
Let's also be mindful of the fact that we have a lot of transgender individuals at the workplace now. These "goofy" men wearing nail polish may actually be desiring to transition, but are afraid to due to reactions like yours, or haven't yet made the decision to. I would keep this in mind before judging.
Here, you forgot this.
Well nothing I said was wrong.
At the end of the day, target has a very lenient dress code. I don't think the handbook specifically says anything about men wearing nail polish.
And you're probably the last person that should be throwing you arms up about this seeing as you've worn a skirt to work.
Who doesn't love them some Cher Horowitz?I love that movie and I love her outfits-
You're looking good, Kartman! Looking good!
Yeah my khakis are all just tan jeans. Khakis stretch out too fast lolWouldn't recommend press on nails if you're on flow. Asants my khakis are often denim.
What does it matter if hes over weight , middle aged and balding ? He has the right to wear press on nails if he wants to.So , if he was young, had a full head of hair and was skinny it would be ok ?This guy is overweight, middle aged, circular bald spot on the top of his head, with bad teeth.
But those pretty blue press-on nails really help him out!
Yea, you're right... it's not silly at all!
What does it matter if hes over weight , middle aged and balding ? He has the right to wear press on nails if he wants to.So , if he was young, had a full head of hair and was skinny it would be ok ?
Cool, but this thread isn't about someone's 'issues.'
It's specifically about Target's Official Dress Code.
Does anything go @ Spot?