Archived Applying Brand-TM Position

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May 31, 2012
I just got Transfer to new Store from early June. My HR saw my Records and Plus it said I was a Trainer-TM another plus and no Correction Actions thumbs up! HR Offer me Entertainment\Or-Cosmetic Brand Team Member, I apply Entertainment I should hear back in few weeks what should I expect a Call Back or HR let's me know? Reason's I use to do Sales Floor, Hardlines, many other areas. I was Surprise it was offer these tough times. :excited:. Being there for 5+ years dose Earn Rewards.
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I just got Transfer to new Store from early June. My HR saw my Records and Plus it said I was a Trainer-TM another plus and no Correction Actions thumbs up! HR Offer me Entertainment\Or-Cosmetic Brand Team Member, I apply Entertainment I should hear back in few weeks what should I expect a Call Back or HR let's me know? Reason's I use to do Sales Floor, Hardlines, many other areas. I was Surprise it was offer these tough times. :excited:. Being there for 5+ years dose Earn Rewards.

Congrats, if you ever get tired of entertainment try cosmetics, you get more exposure there.
Wooo 🙂

I was a cosmetics brand TM and loved it, only had the position 4 months before I took up a better job offer, but it was a fun position. It truly became "my baby", especially after the big reset, I was so protective bout coming in and messing it up lol.

Another plus to cosmetics is nobody really bothered me while I was working, Kinda stayed nestled in my little area. Bad side was, in our store cosmetics is right next to the lanes, so I was 'expected' to go up for fast service everytime, which if they were understaffed (which was all the time), I was always running up there
I was a cosmetics brand TM as well and agree with targetmiss. It was a good position, I enjoyed the detail-oriented part of the job. I was rarely bothered when I was working in my department as well.
Electronics, as I observed, seemed to be a lot more responsibility.
In cosmetics, you run your own ship, like others said, everyone's dislikes the small stuff. I do push cosmetics on weekends to help out, if I have time.
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