Archived ARTICLE-Thanks Boss! Wal-Mart Warms Stores, Allows Jeans, Nixes Celine Dion

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One of our groc chains allows employees to wear knee-length shorts during summer months, including cargo-style.
Even if they did allow music - more than the crap that cycles in electronics that is it wouldn't matter. The PA system is only loud in TSC
Lol.. Guess I'm the only one who gets excited every time that two second clip of Ed Sheeran (aka bae) plays. I would like music, though. I used to work at Macy's and honestly stopped noticing it after a while. Th volume was at a nice level where you could easily tune it out but if you're someone who hates silence it was nice. Also I'm sick of having the conversation with guests "it's so quiet in here. I just noticed it's because you guys don't have any music. You need music." It's only scary quiet like that on slow days, though so we wouldn't even need it all the time. There have been days where it's been so quiet I've looked to see if tumbleweeds were gonna blow by... Then I check my walkie to see if maybe I bumped something and changed the channel without noticing.

I usually just sing hum or whistle while I work if it's a quiet slow day. I hate silence.
I just got this shirt off the Bullseye Shop and I can already hear the ETL's telling me it's not "work appropriate" but it's Target approved so they can suck a nut.
I know the witch who works softlines is going to say something. I'm actually excited for her to try and tell me I can't wear it.
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