Archived Assets Protection

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My store has a AP-ETL and a SrTPS. I like them both and I think they like me, even though I am 100% positive they are always staring at my on a camera when I stand on a base deck to bring a couple gaterade's forward.
My store has a AP-ETL and a SrTPS. I like them both and I think they like me, even though I am 100% positive they are always staring at my on a camera when I stand on a base deck to bring a couple gaterade's forward.

Better you on that base stack than a guest. I always say we need a call button on the back wall of water !

1) Enjoy being your own boss. You will most likely only answer to your STL or if you are ultra low-volume you will be answering to the ETL-HR/AP (useless). You will also have to answer to the APBP (probably never going to come visit you because you are low volume) and a Investigator (generally nice people anyway). This is good and bad, you have to drive your own results and it really puts to test the "I don't need to be motivated, I motivate myself" statement.

2) Being by yourself can be a blessing and a curse. You can run things how you want, but there isn't anyone to blame. I knew a TPS who got promoted to APL (alone in his store) and he loved running the show. However, he was bad, didn't get results, and was eventually removed. Now he works for Securitas patrolling Liberty St. telling hookers to find Jesus....

3) You have to utilize the IC (video monitoring people) and your TM to call out suspicious people. If you think you are going to magically be able to spot Alert Subjects or just suspicious characters all the time, you are SO wrong. Since you are alone that means you have all those reports to do, you have to do Safety shit, you have to do BS projects that your STL gives you etc... PICTURES ARE YOUR BEST FRIEND. Take your pictures, give them a name and story, pass them around in every will work out for you. When a TM calls out someone and you catch them, reward them.

4) If you are good, you will rise through the ranks quickly. Make sure to network and look at other ETL positions you think you could do. ETL-AP is being slashed and are few and far between. If you want to stay at Target and aren't willing to move all across the country, start thinking of new areas you could work in if the position came up (my 2 cents).

G.L. man. I started alone, and didn't take me long to move to a high volume/high risk (AKA: I'm going to @#$*ing stab you for this speaker bitch) store.
Lots of good advice in this thread, so I won't pile on. AP is the best job in retail, but they also expect the most from those in AP. You have to work independently, drive results, show passion, always make the right business decision, and own your work center like no other. If you do well you will make a name for yourself and you will be rewarded.
My store has a AP-ETL and a SrTPS. I like them both and I think they like me, even though I am 100% positive they are always staring at my on a camera when I stand on a base deck to bring a couple gaterade's forward.

I just grab a stepstool from the back and deep zone all of them because nobody else cares to do so.
I only know of TPS dude, because he's super friendly. I'm certain there's at least one more they keep secret and/or I just haven't met him.
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