Archived Att- Unpaid vacation?

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Bullseye Biatch!
Jan 10, 2016
I recently put a shift on the swapboard for the first time. I looked at my schedule online and instead of where my shift time was it says Att-unpaid vacation. Does that mean It got approved? Is there a certain number of times you can put a shift in the board in a year? Does this count against me? Sorry for so many questions. I go back in Wednesday and just wanted to know if its approved or not.
Sounds like it was approved or there wouldn't have been a change.
It doesn't count against you unless you do it a LOT (ie: giving away shifts every week without changing your avail).
Sounds like it was approved! We have a team member who puts his shifts on the board at least once a week. If he can't find anyone to switch with, he just calls out. It's very annoying.
I would check the swap board to see if someone actually took the shift. Sounds like the LOD simply gave you the shift off and saved the hours, instead of letting someone else take it. With it being February it definitely isn't out of the question.

Either way you get the day off.
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