Auto Generated Schedules?

Oct 22, 2021
Does anyone know how the system auto-generates the schedules?
I know sometimes when one of the ETL's doesn't manually create the schedule in time or whatever the system will auto-generate it based on the position & availability.
Does anyone have any more info on this like how the system does it? Does it automatically do it all the time or just when an ETL doesn't make the schedule in time?
Tl's or etl will edit schedule based on hours available. They have to have reviewed by Thursday at mynstore with a 2 week outlook.
Tl's or etl will edit schedule based on hours available. They have to have reviewed by Thursday at mynstore with a 2 week outlook.
Gotcha, yeah this thing just dropped today or last night because this wasn't on my future schedule yesterday. The system probably just did it.
It's Friday so they'll probably fix it by Monday or so and if they don't I'll just bring it up to HR or a Lead.

The system also tried to schedule me like 24 hours during the start of the holiday season for the week. That's a joke I'm a full-time TM. xD 😂 We are not in (Q1) Jan/Feb/Mar months.
Didn't mean to post this in General, don't know how I would move it to the schedule section of the forum. Sorry mods if you're seeing this! 😬
It looks at the algorithm for how many people need to be there and when (which is often significantly different from reality) and who can work in which work enters, and fills in any gaps after the set schedules are put in. It also uses all the other work rules (like a shift can be no shorter than 3 hours) to do this.
It’s usually a bit crazy and wrong.
Gotcha, yeah this thing just dropped today or last night because this wasn't on my future schedule yesterday. The system probably just did it.
It's Friday so they'll probably fix it by Monday or so and if they don't I'll just bring it up to HR or a Lead.

The system also tried to schedule me like 24 hours during the start of the holiday season for the week. That's a joke I'm a full-time TM. xD 😂 We are not in (Q1) Jan/Feb/Mar months.
You are not a full time tm. You are subject to the hours available base on sales, business needs & projections.
It looks at the algorithm for how many people need to be there and when (which is often significantly different from reality) and who can work in which work enters, and fills in any gaps after the set schedules are put in. It also uses all the other work rules (like a shift can be no shorter than 3 hours) to do this.
It’s usually a bit crazy and wrong.
Definitely looks crazy and wrong.
You are not a full time tm. You are subject to the hours available base on sales, business needs & projections.
I understand what you're saying and I know there's only so many hours allotted for the store / each area.
However anything under 30 hours and there's no specific hour cuts going on like in Q1 then I bring it up with them.

Thankfully our store has a few cool TLs who actually care more about the employees (TMs) hours than making payroll so they'll clock me on if I come in early / decide to stay late.
I'm good at what I do so they know at least if they do clock me on imma get there and put in some work with that time.
I've worked full time hours for a year and a half now, but per my SD, I'm "part time". Only TLs and above are considered full time
Kinda sh$t is this? So you're telling me out of all the workers at my store who usually work 36-39 hours a week all of us are considered part-time? The Hell...Target whatcha doinnnn

To my knowledge in most states anything under < 30 hours is part time.
30ish hours > and above is a full time job.
They always printed out these little slips for us on Black Fridays when we used to have our
power huddle. Based off the auto generator I presume.I often times have to tell the new team members as well as HR to double check them please because one year they had TMs hitting their 5ths on that auto generated BS. It is just a safeguard to be used as guidelines so enough tms are on the floor and you all cant take your breaks and lunches at the same times leaving no one on the floor. A true leader monitors for this but when they don't it becomes a shit show when everyone is on their lunch and only a few tms to cover. In my opinion its always best to stagger meaning partner with your team and determine who will take the early lunch or later lunch etc...sometimes etls or leads will do that for you especially on busy days. That is if you are lucky enough to have that awesome of an etl or lead which apparently are rare in the wild lol.
Gotcha, yeah this thing just dropped today or last night because this wasn't on my future schedule yesterday. The system probably just did it.
It's Friday so they'll probably fix it by Monday or so and if they don't I'll just bring it up to HR or a Lead.

The system also tried to schedule me like 24 hours during the start of the holiday season for the week. That's a joke I'm a full-time TM. xD 😂 We are not in (Q1) Jan/Feb/Mar months.
Technically no one except team leads are full time at target. It is possible to get full times hours during busy times but, not be classified as full time.
what DBZs SD means is contractual. they are not obligated to give you 32+ hours a week; you’re not a “full time” employee, you’re a part timer working full time hours and those hours are not a guarantee

Yes, this. I consider myself to be a full time TM, but when Q1 comes, I'll be holding my breath when I look at my schedule, because my hours might suffer.
Yes, this. I consider myself to be a full time TM, but when Q1 comes, I'll be holding my breath when I look at my schedule, because my hours might suffer.
Who's ready for 12 hours a week. I know I am!

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