Archived autonomous scheduling only for the not chosen ones

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I don't want to make waves either. I come in to work and that's it. I'm going to do everything I can to get on their good list, but it's hard when they attack me at every chance. I have other team members approach me it's so bad. I welcome any advice on how to make myself transferable.
How long have you been with Target? I've been at my Target for almost three years. If they really don't like you, they should have no problem transferring you to be honest. Put in the request and try to talk to hr to make sure it stays on track. Why would you be non-transferrable?
because they write me up all the time. They write me up and I don't even know about it. They write me up for something someone else did. They write me up for something completely false. I work hard, I'm a perfectionist. My teammates like me, so far as i know. I'm friends with a lot of them. I try to make everything funny. My first SrTL didn't like me, and it's just been downhill since. I've been there over two years. I've asked to move to HL for over a year, they keep saying they're working on it. I used to be a trainer until I asked them to make it official so I could learn all the specifics, they refused. I don't get guest complaints, I am great with them. Once my SrTL made it cool to not like me, that was it. I ask my ETL about his new son, I am friendly and I am always willing and interested in learning a new procedure. I am cross trained in HL, SL, cashier, signing, and some setting. They get me down, and it's really frustrating, and sometimes it gets the best of me, I admit that. But I am not the worst by a long shot. I had a tl in my corner but she moved over to HL with the only other Srtl that really likes me, they try to help, but the ETLs have me black marked a lot.
If I were you and want to continue at another Target definitely think about putting in your two weeks or maybe going on loa. It sounds like they are trying to fire you and the last thing you want is to be marked non-rehirable in your files. Try talking to the ones you know like you again about getting some leeway to get you out of there. I wouldn't want to work somewhere where I am clearly not wanted. There are team members at my store as well who are bullied and talked down to all the time and it's not pleasant to watch or imagine.
That's why I want some specific rule, example, or procedure I can use to win this, or at least to get them to transfer me.

I don't think you're going to find one. Your availability was approved with you saying you were available to close on those days. They are not, therefore, scheduling you outside of you availability.

Did you say you were only available Thur, Fri, Sat and Sun? If so, then I'm not entirely surprised they won't work with you. That is a very limited availability. Sure, they need more people on the weekends, but they need people during the week to.

The only reason they HAVE to approve availibility changes is for school. I think your store thinks 3 full days off and 2 half days off is enough.

On you other comments about your store though. You need to get out of there. They sound like a**holes. When your STL is vindictive, it trickles down to the ETLs and team leads and really affects the moral of the entire team. I've worked in an environment like that. I know you have friends there, you don't want to leave. Target somehow tends to draw people in and create a weird sort of loyality. Don't let yourself fall victim to that. You could try to transfer, but I don't know how you'll explain why you want out...If transferring is a possibilty though, do it. If not, look for another job and GET OUT. I know this sounds extreme, but I recognize your tone of "voice". A barely minimum wage job is not worth the stress that place is causing you.
it is for school. that's why it's such a big deal. i'm trying to transfer and they just won't let me.
I can't afford to do bad in my classes because the etls at my store only want to give some people this special weekend availability treatment.
I can't afford to do bad in my classes because the etls at my store only want to give some people this special weekend availability treatment.

Which is why you need to quit. Seriously. You can't blame Target for doing bad in your classes. You need to leave now that you know they won't work with you. If you don't, its your own fault your grades suffer. Take responsibility for it and get out of there.
After reading your comments, I can immediately tell a huge opportunity for you is demonstrating accountability for your actions. The reason you cannot transfer is because you are on corrective action. That is how it is for every store. In addition, you should be thankful you are getting hours when other team members would love to be in your position. Plus.. come on.. who does homework on friday and saturday night?? Plus, please don't call the integrity hotline.. any problems you have can get resolved in your store. And another note-- you don't know if someone else is getting coached, or getting feedback offstage. You cannot say "this happened to me, but the other person slid through" because you don't know their situation, and there is no obligation to tell you since you are no that other person. I just think you should appreciate what you have, and stop playing the victim card. Yeah, school is important but so work-- if you cannot commit, give your 2 weeks and be done with it. (PS, if you quit on CCA, you are not re-hirable.)
Do take some deep breaths, don't make decisions right away.
Do make sure you are getting in the time you need to pass your classes, don't let the stress from work make you crazy, it's just not worth it.
If you do decide to quit remember that if you do it now you won't be re-hirable.
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