Answered Availability Change

Jul 21, 2020
I probably sound really dramatic but i am trying to change my availability because of unforeseen circumstances and me starting school as well, I have been going through my HR emailing back and forth and this probably sounds really dramatic but i am afraid they’re gonna fire me for me trying to change my availability. I have super bad anxiety and everytime he asks if i can call him to discuss my change i’ll ask certain questions and he will avoid my questions and i’m wondering if maybe they can’t say certain things over email so i’m just overthinking, i unfortunately overthink everything and get scared and terrified of getting fired during this time.
I’ve been there about 9 months & Yes i did and they didn’t have a problem with working with my schedule before. I’m not sure if i’m freaking out because i’m on LOA, do you know the process of getting fired or could they go above all disciplinary action and just outright fire me?
If your HR is newer in role they’re probably more hesitant to commit to anything in writing. But it’s also been a crazy time for HR lately and our new roles are rolling out soon, so maybe they’re trying to get into their new groove now. On top of already having 100+ TMs on payroll they’re probably looking to hire more. This year has also had an insane amount of transfer requests. Neither of those excuse your HR for not taking care of you, they absolutely should be, but I’m trying to help you see that they are juggling an awful lot right now. If your HR doesn’t have a strong post-it game things will be forgotten/half assed.

When you come back from LOA submit your new availability in myTime Self Service. In the comments section put down that it’s for school, I’ve never seen one turned down for this! And finally the disclaimer I give to anyone requesting an availability change - if your limiting your availability more than it is now you will likely see a decrease of hours, more availability = more freedom to schedule you more hours.
In addition to what JAShands pointed out, the pandemic has thrown scheduling in general for a huge loop & availability changes may be on the back burner as your HR may be trying ensure there's enough TMs for coverage amid LOAs for medically fragile members.
Also email is NOT considered secure & your HR may be hesitant to post anything that's not straight out of the handbook.

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