Avoiding Los Angeles area Targets


Former team member
Jun 27, 2012
I don't know if it's true but the Los Angeles Police Department is urging everyone to stay away from Target stores as they're going to be target of protests.
I am not in CA, in fact the opposite coast, but the store I work at was evacuated tonight when local organized protestors live streamed their intent on coming to our parking lot. All guests and employees were escorted out, police cruisers were blocking all lot entrances and all drove home safe. Protestors came about 10-15 minutes later, streaming the whole time. As far as I know they remained peaceful. Is this happening nation wide to all Targets?
i live about 30-40 min from los angeles, my store has been proceeding as normal

my etl said they got an email about it but also said the email was very vague and didnt talk about the actual cause at all or something
I have stayed offline for a couple of days while I've been on my days off. The situation where dishonorable people have massively smashed windows, destroyed property and stolen property from Target is more than heartbreaking. I have offered many concerns and criticisms about Target, but right now my true loyalties are coming out. I'm more than heartbroken to see what happened not only to my fellow team members, but even to the guests who were shopping at Target when this traumatic attack occurred. They did not deserve the abuse of the jackals. In no way, shape or form is Target responsible for the officer-involved shooting incident. The worse-than-pathetic response of the local Minneapolis elected and governmental officials to the rioting has left me far more distrustful of some of my fellow Americans than I was beforehand.
Hundreds of black men, women and children murdered

Entire town burned to the ground.

Most of our metropolitan areas in California are looted or being looted. On our social media, I am witnessing people organizing to loot certain areas. Ours got hit. These looters are mostly Latinos, whites, blacks.
im almost fully expecting my store to get hit

a coworker said online there was a post along the lines of "it would be a shame if something happened to target [my store's address here]"
My old store was one of the stores that got closed.

I can’t help but notice the “coincidence” that most of the closed stores are in communities of color...
Well, they (Target corp) missed the one in La Mesa, CA which got looted along with a Wal-mart last night.
We have more than a few uc cops watching us and o9 has cops in o9 office watching the store and neighborhoods. Walmart near us is the same. We have to close due to curfew. Hopefully we can avoid the trouble others are having.
Screenshot_20200531-171832_Wireless Emergency Alerts.jpg

jus got hit w that curfew text

also theres rumors going around the best buy behind us is getting looted so idk whats going on w tht
FYI stores in the Greater Seattle area were shut down by District Offices as of 5 PM pacific time. I was sent home early as was our entire store. The City of Seattle's mayor and police chief are making an attempt to de-escalate tensions, but in the meantime a contingent of about 300 people came to downtown Bellevue, claiming they were there for peaceful protest but in about a half-hour starting to riot, destroy, loot from stores and to attempt bodily harm on law enforcement officers.
All R200 stores were shut down early last night and we were texted the crisis hotline # and told to call before our shifts start to see if our store will be opening today. I open and I’ve been calling all damn morning but no update since 10pm last night saying the overnight shifts were getting moved to 6am so I guess I still have to go 😂

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