Yeah they are okay, but I don't see what the big controversy is over photoshopping it to look better in the first place? "It sends the wrong message to young girls"? Since when do we need the media to parent for us? I seriously think there are more important things for people to be upset about.
The truth is people like looking at pretty people. If the person modeling those clothes looks exceptionally pretty, they are more likely to buy it. Therefore it is only logical to photo shop because it means you are more likely to have people buy your stuff. Advertising your adverts as "Photo Shop Free" might win you points with people who have a personal gripe with Photoshopping, but most probably won't care. No one used to care about photoshopping until this past year, and its basically the new popular thing to hate -- they've been doing it for ages though.
It gets hate when it bends the human body to proportions that are not possible like the arm on the swimsuit girl. Or the crotch or the shoulders on several, and when you see bad work. It should not be seen in ad work like this, yeah change suit colors, lighting and whatnot, but you should never see the work of PhotoShop, when you do it destroys what they are trying to do. Sell clothing instead we are talking about the PhotoShop fail.
My take on this.