Archived Awful TLs and LODs

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Beauty Team Drop Out
May 17, 2018
Had multiple LODs and my TL tell me I'm doing a real shit job pushing repacks and zoning.

I'm doing it how I was trained and I'm not sure how else they want me to do it. They aren't exactly the types to give constructive criticism either. Been working here for quite a while and not sure why they're telling me this now.

Anyone else dealt with these types of leads, or am I just really really bad at my job?
If I tell you your zone sucks, I’m going to show you how I want you to zone. I’ll zone a section with you, showing you how fast you should be moving. Then I’ll let you go on your own and then I’ll come back and check in on you to make sure you got it.

If your leaders aren’t showing you what you are doing wrong, then ask them to show you what they want. You can’t be held to expectation that you don’t know.

You don’t have ONE leader that is showing you exactly what is expected of you??
If I tell you your zone sucks, I’m going to show you how I want you to zone. I’ll zone a section with you, showing you how fast you should be moving. Then I’ll let you go on your own and then I’ll come back and check in on you to make sure you got it.

If your leaders aren’t showing you what you are doing wrong, then ask them to show you what they want. You can’t be held to expectation that you don’t know.

You don’t have ONE leader that is showing you exactly what is expected of you??

Only one has attempted to show me, but barely tried under the excuse of "not knowing how things are done in beauty"

Doesn't help that we literally have two beauty TMs at our store
Every store has its favorite Lods or stls..... I just wish they were all the favorite ones I don't get why there always has to be that one person everyone hates! BTW i learned it the easy way to say ok yea i will do better or tell them your planning to improve!
Every store has its favorite Lods or stls..... I just wish they were all the favorite ones I don't get why there always has to be that one person everyone hates! BTW i learned it the easy way to say ok yea i will do better or tell them your planning to improve!
I have to say that I’m hated but also very much respected , I work harder just to prove my team thatbit can be done . And if I show you and still don’t get it well that’s on you. If I don’t work for one day where other lead is in the back for example my team tells that lead” hey this is not how it supposed to be done”. The reason they challenge the lead is because they know my expectations and they been there for far to long not to express their opinions
I have to say that I’m hated but also very much respected , I work harder just to prove my team thatbit can be done . And if I show you and still don’t get it well that’s on you. If I don’t work for one day where other lead is in the back for example my team tells that lead” hey this is not how it supposed to be done”. The reason they challenge the lead is because they know my expectations and they been there for far to long not to express their opinions
If I tell you your zone sucks, I’m going to show you how I want you to zone. I’ll zone a section with you, showing you how fast you should be moving. Then I’ll let you go on your own and then I’ll come back and check in on you to make sure you got it.
I would also make sure you know how to change the capacity that way is not a waste

If your leaders aren’t showing you what you are doing wrong, then ask them to show you what they want. You can’t be held to expectation that you don’t know.

You don’t have ONE leader that is showing you exactly what is expected of you??
I would also show you how to change capacity that way the payroll is not being wasted to pull and backstock because all the counts are off. The area they want you to zone is what makes the store money so tell them show and tell if you want me to get better.
Had multiple LODs and my TL tell me I'm doing a real shit job pushing repacks and zoning.

I'm doing it how I was trained and I'm not sure how else they want me to do it. They aren't exactly the types to give constructive criticism either. Been working here for quite a while and not sure why they're telling me this now.

Anyone else dealt with these types of leads, or am I just really really bad at my job?

You’re not alone. I had one ETL (and only one) that told me I needed to improve but when I asked how or what I needed to improve, she had no answer. Ever. She did the same thing to other TLs in her workcenters. Expectations must be well defined before they can be met, since people are not generally mind readers. 🙄

Only one has attempted to show me, but barely tried under the excuse of "not knowing how things are done in beauty"

Doesn't help that we literally have two beauty TMs at our store

Pushing repacks and zoning are are done the same way regardless of department, so I don’t understand why the ETL couldn’t define expectations for you and show you how to meet them because of “not knowing how things are done in beauty”. If they are happy with the other beauty TM (and if you are ever scheduled together) you might want to observe how she zones and pushes,and ask her if she has any tips for you. Good luck.😁
There is no excuse for coming up to a TM and saying you are doing a bad job without giving a concrete reason why and then explaining expectations. Because what they basically said was gibberish. Its like the pilot of the we want to figure out why we have so much salvage from damage. We quickly discovered it a ethic groups who didn't understand why things were able to be examined. So diversity killed it. So the whole thing was a waste of ap time and productivity for a week.

I have TMs who dump repacks into a basket and work them. I have them take the box and carry it around and I have them sort in the back. What I want is you to get the product out onto the floor in the correct location qucik but correctly. If you dont have a process then yeah I will work with you to get you there. But if you do that's efficient, then i'm cool.
Repacks aren't a set thing to do (yet) so it can still be flexable.
Yeah, I'm not sure how you can be bad at repacks, specifically. Are you just slow at pushing freight or something? I mean, beauty isn't often fast, given all the tiny things, and anything in a repack is likely to be small and putzy and time-consuming, particularly when you are stopping frequently to help guests and all that selling shit that corporate & leadership cares about so much.

If it were me, I'd start asking for feedback when they tell you this stuff. Ask them what they would like to see you do differently. Start keeping track of how long it takes you to push repacks, and rough estimates on how many eaches or product type (cosmetics is bound to take longer than femcare, frex). Note how much time you spend helping guests (or how many guests you help). Note the times you've suggested products or upsold or "added to the basket."

If you spend a lot of time with guests, emphasize that in any feedback sessions you have, as they can't tell you to stop talking to guests. Service is a huge thing this year and you're always supposed to prioritize service and sales over tasks, particularly in places like beauty, electronics, apparel.
I have a borderline special needs flow TM who dumps their stationary and kitchen repacks into mixed up as fuck carts, but somehow manages to finish it decently quickly and accurately. Pretty sure they have like perfect memory of where the stuff goes as they never have equipment. Works for me as long as they get it done... but I’ll be damned if they don’t come clean and myself or another TM have to assist... I spent over an hour on a single cart over there, with a zebra.
I have TMs who dump repacks into a basket and work them. I have them take the box and carry it around and I have them sort in the back. What I want is you to get the product out onto the floor in the correct location qucik but correctly. If you dont have a process then yeah I will work with you to get you there. But if you do that's efficient, then i'm cool.
Repacks aren't a set thing to do (yet) so it can still be flexable.
I am a HRTM, i just past my 90 days like a week ago. (I DO NOT HAVE A ETL HR) my ETL GE and my ETL SF are so needy, there was two HRTM’s at my store, but the one girl left to go to college, so it is just me now, they don’t want to hire another HRTM and they are saying I can do it all, JAS, schedule, donations, daily tasks, and get everything cleaned up and organized. Along with, doing all the things they ask me to do with out delegating to anyone else BUT me. I know they have a lot on their plate, but maybe if they could just understand how I feel. But at the same time they are my boss and I am not scared, but tedious to tell the, anything because I am so new. HELP!
I am a HRTM, i just past my 90 days like a week ago. (I DO NOT HAVE A ETL HR) my ETL GE and my ETL SF are so needy, there was two HRTM’s at my store, but the one girl left to go to college, so it is just me now, they don’t want to hire another HRTM and they are saying I can do it all, JAS, schedule, donations, daily tasks, and get everything cleaned up and organized. Along with, doing all the things they ask me to do with out delegating to anyone else BUT me. I know they have a lot on their plate, but maybe if they could just understand how I feel. But at the same time they are my boss and I am not scared, but tedious to tell the, anything because I am so new. HELP!

do you have a SrTL-HR? they should be standing up for you and get the other ETLs to stop dumping work on you, especially if you don't have another TM working in your department.
At my store the TMs are supposed to follow whatever the leadership tells them...even if it makes no sense, breaks protocol, etc...

It’s like the Joker said “ it’s all part of the plan “, even if that plan is completely terrible.
At my store the TMs are supposed to follow whatever the leadership tells them...even if it makes no sense, breaks protocol, etc...

It’s like the Joker said “ it’s all part of the plan “, even if that plan is completely terrible.

Yep. If you don’t it’s failure to follow and if you argue it can be insubordination. I doubt that some of these leaders know what best practice is, which is bad, or don’t care as long as they they cover their butts, which is worse.
Yep. If you don’t it’s failure to follow and if you argue it can be insubordination. I doubt that some of these leaders know what best practice is, which is bad, or don’t care as long as they they cover their butts, which is worse.

That exactly describes my store. Also I’ve been in that exact situation where questioning leadership got me in big trouble.

It’s so fucked...
Yep. If you don’t it’s failure to follow and if you argue it can be insubordination. I doubt that some of these leaders know what best practice is, which is bad, or don’t care as long as they they cover their butts, which is worse.
Getting the HRBP involved isn’t insubordination, and if anyone in your store retaliated, your HRBP would have their heads.
Gross. I’m insanely lucky that they don’t pull this shit at my store, whew

After my store got a remodel and started Modernization a lot of things changed.

There used to be an unspoken understanding about Work loads, expectations, positive work atmosphere, morale, etc....

Now with all the changes happening the leadership created a toxic atmosphere where everyone was out for themselves. Workloads shot up, morale dropped, disorganization everywhere...TLs and above not helping...Team Work became a thing of the past...
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