Archived awkward moment in maternity

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Jan 26, 2015
At my store, the maternity section is right by the fitting room.
One day i was working FR, and chatting with a guest that was looking through maternity when her friend or sister or whoever was in the fitting rooms. I was telling her how cute i thought some of the maternity clothes were and she said "yes, they really are!" or something along those lines. Out of the blue she asked me "How far along are you?" In a sort of quiet tone. Let me just say one thing. I am overweight, but not HUGE and my belly is bigger but certainly doesnt look like its carrying a baby. I said "I'm...not". I didn't get an apology or anything. Like, seriously? NOT A QUESTION YOU ASK IF YOURE NOT SURE!
You would think everyone would know that one.
Sorry you got the one idiot left who didn't get the message.
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