Cursing in front of guests.

So if someone is intelligent enough to swear then they have the capacity to know when it is and isn't appropriate.

I don't mind people swearing around me and do myself when a situation calls for it. To me they are just words, but our culture has determined some words are "bad" so I try to respect that concept. One place I think it is important to control it is in the workplace. We are representing our company when we are on the clock and if they say don't do it, we shouldn't do it.
We had a hardlines TM curse out guests while off the clock one day. He had a hoodie on, but you could still see his red and khaki and he had literally just clocked out, so he was coming out of TSC... it was clear he worked there. A bunch of guests took issue with it as I remember the one lady had young kids with her.

I think someone tried to ask him a question and he responded with, “get the f*ck out of my face” or something similar and just kept walking. He had some kind of talking to, I believe and I think he was written up. He was not fired though... he worked here for a few more months.
Me: walks out of the TSC, sees STL nearby
STL: hey busyzoningtoys, come here! Can you talk to (TM), I just had a guest complaint that he was swearing by the checklanes.

(We are walking and talking and are now near the busy checklanes)

STL: he’s gotta fucking watch his mouth, he can’t be saying stupid shit like that! I’m gonna rip him a new one.
Me: I’ll take care of it. I’ll tell him to knock it the fuck off, that he can’t be pulling that kind of shit.
STL: thanks busyzoningtoys! Remind him there’s a time and a place for that shit, just tell him to watch his goddamn mouth. Your call if you document it or not.
Me: I’m gonna scare him shitless and make him think it’s gonna be a CCA before telling him it’s just a warning and to watch it.
STL: nice! Fucking with him like that should get the point across!
At my store, nobody cares about it as long as it's kept in the backroom, not excessive, and not directed at someone else.
One of our beauty TMs has sworn in front of guests and gotten away with it. Yet one time when I said the word jerk in front of a guest (was saying to a guest sorry, that item you found in the clearance section isn't actually on clearance because some jerk threw it there) and she complained about me saying that. 🙄
One of my tms was in a particularly bad mood. (Childish bad mood) He was cursing out on the floor in front of guests. A mother and two small children walked by and he didn’t even try to lower his voice. I was mortified of course. I told him that if he was caught it would be immediate termination and to calm down.
Talking w a TL later I asked if cursing in front of guests is actually an immediate term and he said no. 😮 He said it’s 2019 and cursing isn’t looked down upon like it use to be.
What?!?! Have I missed something? If I were ETL or STL there would be zero tolerance for cursing out on the floor.
Times have changed. There used to be zero tolerance for phones or chewing gum also. Lmao
Times have changed. There used to be zero tolerance for phones or chewing gum also. Lmao
Gum there should be. It’s rude to talk to a guest or anyone other than friends/family with gum in your mouth.

As for phones obviously if it’s taking you away from a guest or your work than no. But I don’t have a problem if you’re in the back or out of guest view and you want to reply to a quick text.
Gum there should be. It’s rude to talk to a guest or anyone other than friends/family with gum in your mouth.

As for phones obviously if it’s taking you away from a guest or your work than no. But I don’t have a problem if you’re in the back or out of guest view and you want to reply to a quick text.
I’m sure any PMT will agree gum should still be forbidden because of how much of it ends up on the floor and on fixtures equipment and everything else.
Gum there should be. It’s rude to talk to a guest or anyone other than friends/family with gum in your mouth.

As for phones obviously if it’s taking you away from a guest or your work than no. But I don’t have a problem if you’re in the back or out of guest view and you want to reply to a quick text.
There's a couple of TMs that I like working with because they are hard workers and get stuff done and I've seen both pull Zs with one hand and phones in the other, phones put away when they get to their destination.
Times have changed. There used to be zero tolerance for phones or chewing gum also. Lmao

I use my phone for the Target app since the Zebra sucks. I use the Zebra for locating. But if a guest has a question about ad, Cartwheel, or, it's easier to use the app on my phone.

How about smart watches? A lot of people (including myself) have them. If you get rid of phones, you'll have to get rid of the smart watch, too, right? (Hopefully not, it's nice to have an accurate tracker. 16,000 steps yesterday!)
You'll be to blame when guests start complaining about TM's with nasty-ass breath.
I might not mind gum being allowed so much if the TMs who chewed it didn't make themselves look like cows chewing cud while doing so. Mouths open, making those snapping noises with it... so gross. Chew with your mouth closed. One of our softlines TMs makes that popping noise with every single chew and it's so annoying.
I do not generally curse at work, though I have invoked the Law of Three on more than one occasion. (those who keep the Old Ways know what I mean)
Frequent and regular use of expletives at work becomes a bad habit which has four big risks for your career and your personal life: first, some co-workers will see you as creating a hostile work environment; second, over time your supervisors and managers will gradually get annoyed at your poor choice of words; third, when you are ready to pursue a better job with another employer, you will sound incredibly stupid slipping into expletives during a job interview or (if hired) during those critical first days on a new job; fourth, people you will meet who could become close friends will get tired of making excuses for your chronic bad language when you're with other friends, with family, or out on a date or at a social event. Most of us struggle to avoid cussing at times. I'm not exempt from this problem. I am speaking the truth that making a habit of regularly cussing in the presence of other people will cost you money in your career and cost you dearly in your personal relationships. You choose.
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