If I see a good deal of something my family uses, I'll buy a lot but because we'll use it pretty quick.
If it's on clearance, I've been known to clear a shelf; but if a guest was looking & wanted a few, I'd make sure to leave some.
As do I... Lmao. I've got stockpiles of my favorite Toothpaste, Bath Soap, everything. And there's nothing wrong with that.
But... if you're working in AP. And you're watching someone stack can after can after can of Baby Formula ($30-40 a container) into a shopping cart or hand basket. Chances are they aren't a father or mother. It's really one of our most stolen products, because it can be used to cut-drugs. As well as be easily resold on the black market.
What I truly worry about. Is... typically these boosters are stealing entire shelves of baby formula. After they leave our air-conditioned store they sometimes sit out in a hot trunk for days, or... even worse. They'll sit in a warehouse, stacked high surrounded by non-so-savory conditions. I've seen footage of some of these warehouses, infested with roaches and rats. And that's not even including the fact... that it's probably not being climate controlled.
There was even a group, who couldn't sell the stuff fast enough. So they begin reprinting labels with new expiration dates, after the product had spoiled.
Yet... unexpecting, sometimes desperate mothers are purchasing this for their children. These are Babies, we're talking about. With weaker immune systems. They don't have a chance, to defend themselves. And I think it's very scary. It could do all sorts of harm, during the most important part of their lives. They don't have a chance when this stuff, gets out the door.
We do know... Criminals have managed to get this stuff back into major grocery-distribution channels. This means, a can at a store like Safeway or Walgreens could have been stolen or spoiled before it even got to the store. And no one would be the wiser.
Theft is a issue. It's something we should all take seriously. It not only hurts Target... it hurts everyone around us, in one way or another.