Archived Baby formula limit

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I'm not a father. I don't know exactly how many cans/boxes/containers someone goes through. But doesn't it have a relatively short shelf life? Why would you want to buy so much of something..?

I always watched anyone picking up the stuff, like a hawk. It's stolen like hotcakes.

It also depends on what kind of formula it is. The powdered formula we are always checking dates but the boxed one lasts longer and we rarely ever QMOS
Yep I'm aware we have the ability to limit anything. I just don't believe in limiting non-sale items. If they were a "frequent flier" that wiped you out constantly that would be one thing. I do agree return fraud is a problem but I don't think we should stop the purchase, only the return.
Frequent flier or not, people who buy up massive amount of stock prevent us from selling to others who might actually need it. Was so glad when my store started limiting 4 per household per day.

I'm not a father. I don't know exactly how many cans/boxes/containers someone goes through. But doesn't it have a relatively short shelf life? Why would you want to buy so much of something..?
I helped raise a sibling of mine, usually we went through about two cans of those things in a month.
We limit soda sales to double what the sale is. 4/$12 means you can get double the guest can buy eight. I don't know why Target just doesn't make this the standard for all of our giftcard sales. Buy two baby formula get a $5 gc should mean you can buy 4 and get 2 $5 gcs per household per day. That seems reasonable enough to me.

Granted I know that this is not really what this thread started about. I would find it suspect if someone wanted 15 tubs of formula, but if it's not on sale then I would consider it...and then probably limit it to four or five..."Oh we don't have any more in the back right now...our counts are off." But more often I find that if someone wants that much formula then they are usually trying to push it out anyway.
Husband's coworker is a foster parent & had two infants at one point.
They could go through a large can in a day but they usually had vouchers when they went shopping.
When I was still in the lanes, I had them come by my store because I always had the PO book at the ready (do they even use that any more?).
If I see a good deal of something my family uses, I'll buy a lot but because we'll use it pretty quick.
If it's on clearance, I've been known to clear a shelf; but if a guest was looking & wanted a few, I'd make sure to leave some.
The comments on here are getting a little heated. There is no right or wrong way to run a business. I run my business a certain way and it has treated me very well; got me promoted multiple times and has helped me through college. There is a reason why I stick to my way of business.

I have to disagree as well.
You want heated drop by the political threads sometime.

Round here folks can disagree and do it with intent, just as long as they don't get personal about it.
Some states require retailers to limit sales of certain items regardless of sale. Any item that is WIC eligible must be in stock. All WICable formulas must have a shelf quantity >10 and a backroom quantity >10. look up "wic minimum stocking requirements" for more information.
If I see a good deal of something my family uses, I'll buy a lot but because we'll use it pretty quick.
If it's on clearance, I've been known to clear a shelf; but if a guest was looking & wanted a few, I'd make sure to leave some.
As do I... Lmao. I've got stockpiles of my favorite Toothpaste, Bath Soap, everything. And there's nothing wrong with that.

But... if you're working in AP. And you're watching someone stack can after can after can of Baby Formula ($30-40 a container) into a shopping cart or hand basket. Chances are they aren't a father or mother. It's really one of our most stolen products, because it can be used to cut-drugs. As well as be easily resold on the black market.

What I truly worry about. Is... typically these boosters are stealing entire shelves of baby formula. After they leave our air-conditioned store they sometimes sit out in a hot trunk for days, or... even worse. They'll sit in a warehouse, stacked high surrounded by non-so-savory conditions. I've seen footage of some of these warehouses, infested with roaches and rats. And that's not even including the fact... that it's probably not being climate controlled.

There was even a group, who couldn't sell the stuff fast enough. So they begin reprinting labels with new expiration dates, after the product had spoiled.

Yet... unexpecting, sometimes desperate mothers are purchasing this for their children. These are Babies, we're talking about. With weaker immune systems. They don't have a chance, to defend themselves. And I think it's very scary. It could do all sorts of harm, during the most important part of their lives. They don't have a chance when this stuff, gets out the door.

We do know... Criminals have managed to get this stuff back into major grocery-distribution channels. This means, a can at a store like Safeway or Walgreens could have been stolen or spoiled before it even got to the store. And no one would be the wiser.

Theft is a issue. It's something we should all take seriously. It not only hurts Target... it hurts everyone around us, in one way or another.
Things may have changed since I was a GSA in 2013, but we were told it was best practice to stop the sale, because we almost had no power in denying returns. Could vary by store though.

Things have changed a bit, mostly in that we have more flexibility in limiting returns though with the new coupon policy. With it, we're actually able to turn away anything that seems disruptive to store activities and I would say that this is applicable. Of course, ASANTS.
Is there a limit to how much baby formula one parent can buy in one trip one guest one time came with about 18
I know there is a limit on some items, I tried to sell one guest a cart full of soda and he had to do several transactions, because my computer said he reached the "daily limit"
I've ended up clearing our stock of certain DPCIs of baby formula several times in the past week for SFS orders. even sells some varieties by the case.

If Target really wants to limit formula purchases, their website is a good place to start...
I know there is a limit on some items, I tried to sell one guest a cart full of soda and he had to do several transactions, because my computer said he reached the "daily limit"

If that happens you're generally not supposed to keep doing several transactions...
I am about a week late to this thread, but DAMN it hurts my head. Only read the first page about "scams." There are always those TM's in stores that are "TPS'" at heart and I think that guy was a perfect example.

In certain situations I would limit, but 18 cans of formula is not that unreasonable. Most stores get formula 2-3 times a week in large quantities so I would make the sale if the guest was not known for "scamming" (Which is a terrible descriptive word, but I'll stick with the trend from earlier).
The cart full of soda I would have done, even though generally we wouldn't. This is because my vendors suck and have 4-6 pallets at all times and should have 2.
If that happens you're generally not supposed to keep doing several transactions...
Well obviously, that would be common sense, but my target doesn't work on common sense so I was told to do the transactions anyway.
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