Feb 2, 2020
Okay guys please any advice at all is welcome. WHO the heck owns baby hardlines per company and modernization standard? There is some major confusion in our store. We saw in the modernization roll out that it is GMs but the leaders are pushing back HARD and want style to push it. We dont get ANY payroll for it so I'm pretty upset. Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
At my store a closer in style zones and reshops it. But as far as truck push, 1 for 1s, pricing etc. that's all GM.

Thank you! See that's how I think it should be but they are trying to put it all on style and it doesnt make any sense. They are ADAMENT that its ours.
Okay guys please any advice at all is welcome. WHO the heck owns baby hardlines per company and modernization standard? There is some major confusion in our store. We saw in the modernization roll out that it is GMs but the leaders are pushing back HARD and want style to push it. We dont get ANY payroll for it so I'm pretty upset. Any advice is welcome and appreciated!
The tl that oversees toys is supposed to own all of gondola baby. Gm and style gondola.
A similar thing happened at my store; older gm TMs would call style employees over to help out over there because way back in the day it was soft lines zone.

1. our young tms don’t know any more about which car seat to buy than you do!

2.That zone is gm now, you handle it!
See! You right! Same thing happens at our store. And the ETL for GM is an older employee as well and is stuck in that mode that it is style.
I owned it in my first store for 8 years as one of my areas back when there was overnight flow, pog, price teams etc. As team leads back then we handled everything else, I also ran lingerie, shoes, baby clothes etc. All consumables (food, diapers) also under my control. Fast forward many years and to a newer store, a super, that was built at the same time and has never been remodeled. I'm a Style team lead and it was so weird to me coming in that baby gondola was run by hardlines!! The consumables are over by grocery though, and have their own dbo. Our baby hardlines girl works 10-3 on our 5 truck days and she does ok but not to the standard I would set if it was under my umbrella. The truly annoying thing is that BB02 covers infant hardlines and softlines. So man cafs, price get it. Her signage comes through us. And I never see her TL over there unless something heavy needs to be lifted.
I owned it in my first store for 8 years as one of my areas back when there was overnight flow, pog, price teams etc. As team leads back then we handled everything else, I also ran lingerie, shoes, baby clothes etc. All consumables (food, diapers) also under my control. Fast forward many years and to a newer store, a super, that was built at the same time and has never been remodeled. I'm a Style team lead and it was so weird to me coming in that baby gondola was run by hardlines!! The consumables are over by grocery though, and have their own dbo. Our baby hardlines girl works 10-3 on our 5 truck days and she does ok but not to the standard I would set if it was under my umbrella. The truly annoying thing is that BB02 covers infant hardlines and softlines. So man cafs, price get it. Her signage comes through us. And I never see her TL over there unless something heavy needs to be lifted.
Crazy! 10-3?! Dang! That doesn't seem like much time at all. Does someone else do the diapers?
The SD at my store followed the recommended TL dept. split in the modernization roll-out guide to the letter.
Our store has two DBO’s in infants hardlines - under a GM TL that also owns toys - they share all baby hardline/gondola areas.
Soft lines team stays on the RUG, all clothing racks - hardline GM DBO’s stay on the tile/gondolas.
There was a book - about a year ago - that spelled it all out. Our SD still refers to it when there are any disagreements about who should do what.
GM has the hours to do anything on a gondola - even baby bath which is all clothes/towels.
Crazy! 10-3?! Dang! That doesn't seem like much time at all. Does someone else do the diapers?
Yes, another TM does consumables (diapers, wipes, food) it's actually next to pets and shampoo in our layout. I don't really see that tm, weird thing is she's technically under a different GMTL 😂. But honestly, the Babies R Us down the street closed last year and more could be done in the furniture/layette area to boost sales.
The SD at my store followed the recommended TL dept. split in the modernization roll-out guide to the letter.
Our store has two DBO’s in infants hardlines - under a GM TL that also owns toys - they share all baby hardline/gondola areas.
Soft lines team stays on the RUG, all clothing racks - hardline GM DBO’s stay on the tile/gondolas.
There was a book - about a year ago - that spelled it all out. Our SD still refers to it when there are any disagreements about who should do what.
GM has the hours to do anything on a gondola - even baby bath which is all clothes/towels.
THANK YOU! that's exactly what I've been trying to tell them! It's the modernization book that he is referring to right?
Our Sporting goods/automotive/luggage tm has 3 TL to answer to - I pity them. Each TL insisting that their dept‘s price change/SPL/push get done first. Funny, even with ALL that attention - they are the worst DBO in the store. Continuously blaming the duelingbTL for not getting everything done. What ? A silly split but that is the layout and each dept not large enough for their own DBO.
THANK YOU! that's exactly what I've been trying to tell them! It's the modernization book that he is referring to right?
Yes. The original book that gave the TL their dept.’s - SD made copies so we all knew the dept.’s were NOT randomly handed out with any favoritism -TL with certain processes got specific dept. and the GM FF TL clearly owns baby hardlines.
Yes. The original book that gave the TL their dept.’s - SD made copies so we all knew the dept.’s were NOT randomly handed out with any favoritism -TL with certain processes got specific dept. and the GM FF TL clearly owns baby hardlines.
Thank you! I will be trying to find that book ASAP on monday!
GM3 in my store (they own Toys, Bulleye, Checklanes, Sporting Goods and Entertainment. As well as oversees Fulfillment). The DBO works baby gondos and pulls BBO1, BBO3, IFUR and DIPR.

BBO2 is a style Fillgroup. Style sets 3 endcaps in baby gondos, but they're all clothing or soft attire. They're also supposed to set soft bath.
GM3 in my store (they own Toys, Bulleye, Checklanes, Sporting Goods and Entertainment. As well as oversees Fulfillment). The DBO works baby gondos and pulls BBO1, BBO3, IFUR and DIPR.

BBO2 is a style Fillgroup. Style sets 3 endcaps in baby gondos, but they're all clothing or soft attire. They're also supposed to set soft bath.
I just wish it hadn't all been split up. Maybe it works in remodels better. My store is 18 years old and has never been remodeled. All of our style floorpads are centrally located in the store, not on perimeters, and the furniture layette gondola are still on the carpet. I took a TL position in this store after they had already started modernization so I wasn't a part of that initial turnover. Current store leadership does not have style involved in those gondolas at all, no salesplanners (even though they show up under our workload). I also have to do her RFID because she's not scheduled that day. I'd honestly rather just have that area given back to our control, they can keep the consumables, they're halfway across the store!
Baby hardlines has a GM DBO in my store. Used to be zoned by the electronics/toys guy before modernization. Not sure why but I'm assuming it was because the two zones are so close to each other.

I set ALL of N1-N3 (Gerber, Cloud Island, and JOY clothes, and baby shoes) - not just endcaps - when I was scheduled softlines, though, because according to the presentation lady SL is supposed to own those aisles. Not sure how accurate that is.
Baby hardlines has a GM DBO in my store. Used to be zoned by the electronics/toys guy before modernization. Not sure why but I'm assuming it was because the two zones are so close to each other.

I set ALL of N1-N3 (Gerber, Cloud Island, and JOY clothes, and baby shoes) - not just endcaps - when I was scheduled softlines, though, because according to the presentation lady SL is supposed to own those aisles. Not sure how accurate that is.
Our Gerber, joy, shoes are on the softlines pad so that was your work but if the Cloud Island is bedding then you did more than you needed to - I’m sure presentation thanked you For helping.

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