Archived Back on the horse.

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Sep 10, 2014
Hey all! I worked for Target six years ago as a backroom team member. I really loved it, but had to leave shortly after my 90 because I was only there as a summer job. (I still miss the WAV.) Anyway, I've had a lot of interesting jobs in the meantime, but my most recent (call center...) was abysmal so I was scouring the city for anything else. Originally applied for a TPS position, which would have been a horrible fit. During my interview the ETL-AP said she'd love to have me but thought I'd do well in the GSA position they had open. She referred me, I did an informal interview the next day, and boom, a brand new GSA is born. I've already found a ton of really helpful info on this forum, and it's kind of nice that it's still oddly familiar - nobody in real life understands me when I use Spot-speak. So, hi!
You can check out anytime you like
But you can never leave...
ha, clearly I've proven that true, eh? the fact that I was willing to take a not-insignificant pay cut to take this job probably says something about my personality... doubtfully it's anything family-friendly. but I will literally take anything over call center work at this point.

and I've got experience watching over groups of children at a camp, so whiny cashiers should be right up my alley, yeah? haha. based on my reading here I just hope I don't end up being That GSA Everyone Hates.
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