Archived Back Pay?

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Feb 29, 2012
So i was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question I have. I've been working, or helping out in a new department since the start of this year. They were short handed and offered me hours in this area. Since then all of my hours have been there, and none in my old department. Recently there was a position open and i was interviewed for it. A question arose if i would receive back pay if i got the job. I was told no, and that i would have to qualify for something like that. Is this true?
This depends on what percentage of your shift is worked in which depts and which percentage of your shifts per week are done there, etc. While many would agree you deserve the back pay, unfortunately without government laws or unions to control corporate america, they can do whatever they want, and will likely not pay you this pay. You can voice a complaint by going up the ladder if you want or with the ER Hotline.
So i was wondering if anyone could help me out with a question I have. I've been working, or helping out in a new department since the start of this year. They were short handed and offered me hours in this area. Since then all of my hours have been there, and none in my old department. Recently there was a position open and i was interviewed for it. A question arose if i would receive back pay if i got the job. I was told no, and that i would have to qualify for something like that. Is this true?
I'm not sure what you mean by back pay.
Is the position a specialist and supposed to pay more?
You were paid for the hours worked, so no there wouldn't be anything paid from what you did in the past.
i was once told that if you're working at a higher pay grade and you work a certain percentage of your scheduled hours in that area you should get the higher rate. I'm not sure how true that is though and you'd need to speak to someone in HR about that.
We have a lot of gsa's and my ETL told me that they have to work 50% of their shifts as a gsa vs cashier, gs, etc. so that makes sense about the percentage.
I was told the same thing, but the person who told me wasn't to sure. They said if i worked 50% of my time in that area since the beginning of the year I might qualify. In which case i have, I have been working this department going on two months now.
ck with your hr. hours are the key to the answers. but, a higher paygrade doesnt mean a big raise. also, they may of hired you at a higher than minmun wage.
Ill try them again the problem is that not even the hr was sure if i would get back pay or not. If hr can't help me is this something I should talk to the STL about?
your etl-hr should know the answer. you can talk to your stl, if you want to. does your paycheck show the higher paygrade & when did it changed?
No as of right now I haven't been hired to this department, just interviewed for it. I get about 40 hrs a week in this area and open most days i work. My question to my hr was if I got the position would i be back paid the difference in the raise,(most likely a quarter) for me having more than 50% of my hours there since the start of the year. I guess Ill keep bugging them, cause they tend to forget or just don't care. idk
Before i was a TL i went from hardlines to the BR a .50 cent raise. The raise was applied when i finished the learning plan but i got retro pay of like 25-35 dollars for the time i was "training" in the BR when i finished the learning plan also. You will need a super nice HR-etl and alot of pestering/question asking before they would give you retro pay.
Yeah, I actually completely forgot what it was for, but last year around this time I got retro pay to the tune of $325 on one paycheck. I think they never gave me a raise or something. Whatever it was for it took much pestering the HR.
again, illegal behavior by corporate america. I don't know how companies think they can get away with mistreating others.
Yeah, I actually completely forgot what it was for, but last year around this time I got retro pay to the tune of $325 on one paycheck. I think they never gave me a raise or something. Whatever it was for it took much pestering the HR.
So I got the job and a raise, and i will receive back pay, or retro pay for all of my hours worked in the department
Glad to hear you are going to get the backpay you have coming. That doesn't always happen
So I got the job and a raise, and i will receive back pay, or retro pay for all of my hours worked in the department
So I got the job and a raise, and i will receive back pay, or retro pay for all of my hours worked in the department

One of those times when I'm very glad to be wrong.
Pays to stick to your guns.
Good job.
Wow. We absolutely do NOT do that in my store... if we did I would have gotten a good 5 months of "back pay" at a Pharmacy Tech rate... ugh!
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