Archived Background Check Time

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Oct 19, 2015
Hello Everyone,
I have a friend I recommended apply at Target for the holidays. She received a written job offer, but has yet to hear when her training will start.
Is it normal for the background check to take nine days? She's doesn't have any skeletons in her closet, but is still concerned about the job due to how long it's been.
I know mine, and others were processed much quicker. I'm thinking it may be do to the large push to hire right now, but don't want to pass along any misinformation.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Best to all,
It took about three weeks between when I was offered a job and actually started. They were waiting for a big enough orientation class. I did call during that period to follow up though.
Thanks... She received an email stating a training time, then that same email said, "Disregard this email". At that point she called, and was told there should be a phone call, but they did not know when it would come.
I'll just let her know to hang tight based on what I've heard so far.
Thanks for the information...
One of our aptls took weeks to clear background. Even assuming a deeper check it was forever...some just take longer. If you move a lot, changed names (married, divorced, etc), or anything else that could take time to check it will slow the process.
Mine took about two weeks, and i was originally hired on as cashier. I was convinced i didnt get the job and began to look elsewhere, but they finally called. Give it some time, and it wouldnt hurt to call.
Also, my hr was good about answering my questions on behalf of friends i had referred who had gotten interviews...she told me straight up whether theyd been hired and what not...that may not be the case with hr elsewhere but it wont hurt to ask on your friends behalf.
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