Archived Backroom stressfest

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Mar 7, 2013
Lately...our backroom is getting dumped on with lots of backstock from everyone and their mom.

Plano and other TLs would put pog batches in our system because they "need" them, yet it stays in receiving collecting dusts for a couple of days. By then, i'm pretty sure those aisles have been filled via auto pulls, cafs, early morning push process, so all of those pogs goes back to us as backstock. I hate double pulling and seeing our receiving clogged with these stuff.

Some of my coworkers mentioned that "team members" shouldn't be stressing over this but ownership is important to me. I've clashed with TLs regarding about this problem several times now...there are times where I think they(TLs) are only worried about getting their process done.

I'm not keen on seeing our backroom go downhill. Any suggestions?
if i were you i would leave it for them to do it. whenever stuff like that happens to me, i always put a note on it saying that this is so and so's backstock, and if they give you crap, just say YOUR workcenter comes first, and you were busy and couldnt get to it

and of course they only worry about their process getting done, they can care less about other work centers if they are not working together.
I have run into the same issue numerous times. For awhile I gave direction to Dayside BR that if it sat there for 2 days to backstock it, when the TL came back looking for it I explained to them they didnt grab it and they had to pull it. This didnt work because just resulted in more fake ties. SO now I send an email to whomever the pulls belongs to and cc the STL and the ETL's. I also put in the email that if not gone by such and such date it will be on their desk in the TL office. This works but only if you have support from your ETL and STL, best argument for your ETL is productivity for STL payroll wasted.
I'm currently just a backroom team member, but I've been gunning for a TL position for couple of years now. Are team members able to use the work email function to TL/ETL/STL?

I was originally from overnight but then moved to daytime because i felt like I could do more our backroom.
I put a sign with the pull clip stating which section and aisle number it goes to (ex. D23) and the date. This stopped the softlines pulls from sitting for three days.
We have a team lead who sets an endcap, drops a batch and tells us its so urgent that we pull it right then ( nevermind the fact we have backstock from the truck process) So, we stop and and pull will sit there for days. So, I feel your pain.
I'm currently just a backroom team member, but I've been gunning for a TL position for couple of years now. Are team members able to use the work email function to TL/ETL/STL?

I was originally from overnight but then moved to daytime because i felt like I could do more our backroom.

Sorry, no email for all tms. The only tms with email are GSAs and the Signing TM.

I would recommend the idea above putting a pull clip with a date and time for the pull. This was an issue at the store I took over awhile back and I had the team start putting info on the pulls. This stopped the problem pretty quickly.
I'm currently just a backroom team member, but I've been gunning for a TL position for couple of years now. Are team members able to use the work email function to TL/ETL/STL?

I was originally from overnight but then moved to daytime because i felt like I could do more our backroom.

Sorry, no email for all tms. The only tms with email are GSAs and the Signing TM.

I would recommend the idea above putting a pull clip with a date and time for the pull. This was an issue at the store I took over awhile back and I had the team start putting info on the pulls. This stopped the problem pretty quickly.

We've been pretty good at leaving info on a piece of paper attached to whatever we pull for them, gonna have to add the time to it though lol. May even resolve to making a log list for it.
I would recommend the idea above putting a pull clip with a date and time for the pull. This was an issue at the store I took over awhile back and I had the team start putting info on the pulls. This stopped the problem pretty quickly.

My store does this for all research batches, POG fills, and EXFs.
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