Archived Being asked to "watch" E2E Tms in the Backroom?

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Jan 26, 2013
So today, the SF ETL who I don't even report to asked me and the closer to "watch" the Market, COSM and SF tms to see if they are slacking. This is because when there only a LOD to close and no other TL in the store, they E2E TMs just sit on flats and talk about nothing while the SFTMs complain about boxes of shoes are too heavy to lift up the ladder (weaklings)

Anyway, is there something in the handbook that can get me out of this. I know they can't coach from watching the cameras so I think the goal is for them to get me or the other guy to tell them when it's happeneing so they can run to the back and catch them but I honestly give no fucks what anyone else does. Even less so now that that everyone has their "own" area that they fucked up

Them sitting around is better than them backstocking like this

I think they just want a TL (Supervisor) just to make sure work is being done in all workcenters there entire shift. In all honesty, someone reporting to work should ACTUALLY be working, but we all know when eyes are not on some people, slacking occurs.
there is a pic label on the hazardous box on the bottom shelf. Considering you posted the image on a public website, someone can track that. just warning you bro
there is a pic label on the hazardous box on the bottom shelf. Considering you posted the image on a public website, someone can track that. just warning you bro
No worry, that item isn't there anymore.
So today, the SF ETL who I don't even report to asked me and the closer to "watch" the Market, COSM and SF tms to see if they are slacking. This is because when there only a LOD to close and no other TL in the store, they E2E TMs just sit on flats and talk about nothing while the SFTMs complain about boxes of shoes are too heavy to lift up the ladder (weaklings)

Anyway, is there something in the handbook that can get me out of this. I know they can't coach from watching the cameras so I think the goal is for them to get me or the other guy to tell them when it's happeneing so they can run to the back and catch them but I honestly give no fucks what anyone else does. Even less so now that that everyone has their "own" area that they fucked up

Them sitting around is better than them backstocking like this


oooooo, I'd be LOCUing that section and slapping that bitch on the line, gangnam style!!
So him posting a pic of his back room with a pic label that can identify what store he's at on imgur is snitching? No, its saving his ass. Snitching is saying nothing.
I think he was responding to me.

Though tbh, I don't think you can even get any info from that label. Though I'm in the mid west US if corp wants to try. Who knows, I might of quit by now lol
So him posting a pic of his back room with a pic label that can identify what store he's at on imgur is snitching? No, its saving his ass. Snitching is saying nothing.

Calm your tits. I'm merely quoting something he's said numerous times.
It's always good to have calm tits.
Nah, calm tits are overrated.

@OP: Seems to me that you're not even a TL so why should you be put in this position because of their poor staffing?
Let AP use cameras (yeh, I KNOW someone can't be coached based on camera use) enough to establish a pattern so THEY can catch them in the act.
They shouldn't be putting it on a TM with no authority or responsibility.
I don't know why they just don't have more TLs there at night. Every TL in my store bar the closing lod seems to come in the morning. 10am at the latest. That leaves no one here from 6pm on
Its easy to figure out who backstocked those items ( which looks like crap btw). Takes a few minutes to pull it up and a team lead, srtl etl should be having a conversation with those tms. Our e2e beauty team has messed up our cosmectics section In the backroom. I got tired of having to pull from there ( they don't do their own pulls) and do the audit. I would literally have to dump the Waco out on the floor in order to count it ( audit). One Waco had 25 different dpcis in it. I don't have time for that. So, I said something to my etl log. She said ok I will take care of it . She then had them to purge out the wacos and asked me to show them how to correctly backstock. I didn't mind showing them . 1. I know they were being showed how to do it right 2. Me taking the time to show them how do it right means it will save me time in the long run. Also , I have no issue going to an etl or tl if I see someone standing, sitting, sleeping ( yea actually saw that once). Its not tattling .IF someone is making my job harder by not doing their job YES...I am going to open my mouth. I have been asked by leadership to keep an eye on things before ( backroom) I dont mind at all. I call it taking ownership of my work center.
Its easy to figure out who backstocked those items ( which looks like crap btw). Takes a few minutes to pull it up and a team lead, srtl etl should be having a conversation with those tms. Our e2e beauty team has messed up our cosmectics section In the backroom. I got tired of having to pull from there ( they don't do their own pulls) and do the audit. I would literally have to dump the Waco out on the floor in order to count it ( audit). One Waco had 25 different dpcis in it. I don't have time for that. So, I said something to my etl log. She said ok I will take care of it . She then had them to purge out the wacos and asked me to show them how to correctly backstock. I didn't mind showing them . 1. I know they were being showed how to do it right 2. Me taking the time to show them how do it right means it will save me time in the long run. Also , I have no issue going to an etl or tl if I see someone standing, sitting, sleeping ( yea actually saw that once). Its not tattling .IF someone is making my job harder by not doing their job YES...I am going to open my mouth. I have been asked by leadership to keep an eye on things before ( backroom) I dont mind at all. I call it taking ownership of my work center.

I'd say because telling an stl or tl that someone else is sitting or standing is hearsay not proof. It's a slippery slope.

There are people that will watch you for any little slip, then go run to the boss. For example, I had the STL tell me to throw some extra pushers away in the compactor. While I'm doing it, I noticed a couple tms watching me from the doors out to seasonal. A few minutes later, I get questioned by the flow tl, not my direct boss, why I was throwing them away. I was pretty pissed.

I see your point about the backstock. That is different.

I've got a job. I do it. My job isn't to supervise other tms.
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