Archived benefits...

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Once a company starts cutting healthcare benefits, they are obviously having a problem. Come on. We all know we're doing poorly. This company has been in a downward spiral ever since Ulrich left, and Steinhaffel doesn't give a **** either way. As long as he's still getting his paycheck he doesn't give a **** about the people making that paycheck for him.
Once a company starts cutting healthcare benefits, they are obviously having a problem. Come on. We all know we're doing poorly. This company has been in a downward spiral ever since Ulrich left, and Steinhaffel doesn't give a **** either way. As long as he's still getting his paycheck he doesn't give a **** about the people making that paycheck for him.

I *strongly* suspect that ETLs and above get to keep the current plans. (I have heard rumors over the years that ETLs actually are able to sign up for other plans that TMs/TLs don't even know exist)

There is no way they could get away with doing this to ETL's. They have degrees, and the only thing keeping them at Target is pay/benefits. If not for that, they would jump ship in mass.

So, I don't think the company is doing bad because of this. They simply know they can get away with it as far as TMs/TLs are concerned, because they know we don't have anywhere else much better to go.

I would bet my entire 401K ETL's and above did not see any cuts to their health coverage. I am 99.9% sure of it.
I would bet my entire 401K ETL's and above did not see any cuts to their health coverage. I am 99.9% sure of it.

At the store that I am at, one ETL told me that their benefits got cut too. I'm sure however their options aren't the same as ours (meaning they have more)
Once a company starts cutting healthcare benefits, they are obviously having a problem. Come on. We all know we're doing poorly. This company has been in a downward spiral ever since Ulrich left, and Steinhaffel doesn't give a **** either way. As long as he's still getting his paycheck he doesn't give a **** about the people making that paycheck for him.
Wake up and smell the coffee. Emloyers are cutting back left and right, and frankly, one of the biggest employee-related expense, and expense PERIOD, involves employee health care. It is the easiest to cut. It's either that, or throw more and more of the premium into the employees' laps. Either way it's something that the employee will ***** about - either getting their benefits "cut" or not being able to afford them in the first place. Which would you prefer, a job with less benefits, a job where you can't afford benefits, or a job with "great" benefits that can't afford them so have to start laying people off so the few who remain CAN have benefits?
Your information is incorrect. Medicaid is NOT a federal program but a state-run program. Every state has their own rules and requirements for Medicaid, and Medicaid is mainly funded BY THE STATES (80%) and then the federal government (20%).

Medicaid was created by the Social Security Amendments of 1965 which added Title XIX to the Social Security Act. Each state administers its own Medicaid program while the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) monitors the state-run programs and establishes requirements for service delivery, quality, funding, and eligibility standards. In my state, counties administer the waiver programs.
so i call bs on the extra fees that smokers have to pay. i realize the reason why they are doing it....because smoking can increase health problems therefore causing insurance companies more money..... however why single out a certain group of people. there are other things that people do to cause harm to themselves. some drink too much, some drive too fast, some eat too much, some have substance abuse problems. so when are rates going up for the drunk, bat out of hell, fat ass, with cocaine in his nose? thanks for punishing one group of people.
I find the tobacco fee funny, considering everyone I work with that I know has tried to quit, has instead gone right back to it thanks to the stress of the job. Ironic
Wake up and smell the coffee. Emloyers are cutting back left and right, and frankly, one of the biggest employee-related expense, and expense PERIOD, involves employee health care. It is the easiest to cut. It's either that, or throw more and more of the premium into the employees' laps. Either way it's something that the employee will ***** about - either getting their benefits "cut" or not being able to afford them in the first place. Which would you prefer, a job with less benefits, a job where you can't afford benefits, or a job with "great" benefits that can't afford them so have to start laying people off so the few who remain CAN have benefits?

Which is why tying medical insurance to employment is such a bad idea.
We must have some kind of blanket national medical insurance that does not depend on the larges of corporate.
However it is possible for companies to pay for peoples insurance and not cut it to the bone like Spot is doing.
There are man companies that offer comprehensive health benefits and don't make their employees pay out the ass for them.
There is a big difference between the HRA plans and the HSA plan. HSA plan is less expensive, but it has a VERY high deductible that must be satisfied before coverage begins. Don't forget to research FSA's (Flexible Spending Accounts) to help you cover the deductibles (These are tax-free accounts where during the course of the plan year they take out between 1$ to 100$ per week from your check which covers medical expenses like co-pays, deductibles, prescriptions, some over the counter products, etc)

If Target wants the union to take over they have just opened the door wide open! Target used to offer pay and benefits that the unions didn't offer. We were paid for our performance, not on a scale where we made the same as the guy who did less than I did! But the last few years, the raises at my Target have averaged about 10¢ Now the medical is being taken away!! The young people don't care because they are covered under mommy and daddy's policy. This will really affect the core TMs and TLs that work full time, have families, and depend on Target for their medical insurance! I just spent 3 days in the hospital, had minor surgery, $25,000 without doctor bills. My portion with HMO BCBS $400. If the union people would start a campaign now offering what Target is taking away, I for one would jump at the chance to have BCBS HMO or PPO and a guaranteed raise of 50¢. I definitely am not pro union ..... I am PRO BENEFITS!!!!!!! We cannot allow Target to take away our medical! We must all speak up to ensure we keep what we have. Let us make the choice on our medical, don't force something on us that will affect so many lives. I've already heard so many TMs and TLs talking about leaving because they need the insurance. What is this company thinking??
Well, they had to get that $5 Billion for stock buy back from somewhere... (They have pissed away over $10 Billion dollars on that program the last five years.)
Oh, here's another fun fact about these completely idiotic and useless health plans...

Health Reimbursement Arrangements are another type of Consumer-Directed Health Plan. Major difference is that the savings account is not portable if the employee leaves. Any surplus in the account belongs to the employer.

When comparing the two, critics point out that ultimately this will NOT change individuals behavior in the long term. i.e. employees will not lose money, they will budget better, but ultimately "use-it" instead of lose-it.

So if you are forced into it, don't do the savings account one. They actually will have a greater reason to fire you as time goes by.
"Then I die. But I will not go down easily, and I will not go down alone." - Captain John Sheridan
While I definitely agree with most of what you said, where is your union talk coming from? I haven't heard of any other unionization efforts taking place. There have only been 2 votes for unionization in Target's history. I agree that unions give employees the bargaining power to get better raises and benefits, I've not heard of any such organizing going on to unionize anywhere. Great ideas and points you've made though
PPO is only available this year for TMs already enrolled. New enrollees do not have the PPO option. Plus you are not enrolled in a healthcare plan, you will be automatically enrolled unless you go online and decline benefits.
I wasn't aware that people who don't enroll and aren't enrolled in benefits would be automatically enrolled if they don't go online to unenroll? TBC would talk to the validity of this claim. I do know they want to make sure people enroll this year due to some of the changes that aren't being made
In the video they referenced new incentives for wellness programs. I would suspect in the next few years there will be an additional fee for folks that are overweight or obese. By opening the door with the tobacco charge they are on their way to cash in on other health related issues.
PPO is only available this year for TMs already enrolled. New enrollees do not have the PPO option. Plus you are not enrolled in a healthcare plan, you will be automatically enrolled unless you go online and decline benefits.

This was true in the past. It is not true for this year. You MUST enroll if you want to receive the benefit.
I'm clearly wrong here, so ya'll can form your own opinions of this GIANT SCARY change. Relax. It's not that bad. Sorry for being overly snarky.

I am going to forgive your naivety. My spouse and I have serious health issues that an HRA / HSA will not cover. I don't earn enough at spot to make up the difference. A pile of pills each day for each of us, and the costs keep going up.
I wasn't aware that people who don't enroll and aren't enrolled in benefits would be automatically enrolled if they don't go online to unenroll? TBC would talk to the validity of this claim. I do know they want to make sure people enroll this year due to some of the changes that aren't being made

If you don't go online and state that you don't want the benefits you will be put in a plan even if you don't want one.
So make sure you go on no matter what.
We must all speak up to ensure we keep what we have. Let us make the choice on our medical, don't force something on us that will affect so many lives. I've already heard so many TMs and TLs talking about leaving because they need the insurance. What is this company thinking??

I am one of those TMs talking about leaving. I go to a couple specialists once a month ,that are necessary, and would not be able to afford the cost if it wasn't for BCBN (even with I hardly can, but just save the co-pay up every time I know a appointment is coming up).
I figure I have a year, I already looked into one company I'm interested in, and they starting wage is about 3 dollars more than Target, and at the pay I'm at right now, 70 cents less, to start. Team Leads or as they call them Shift Managers make about double of my current wage starting and Shift Managers in Training about 5 dollars less than that. The stores are a lot smaller and seem to be way easier to manage. We shall see.
Who would we speak up TO if we are trying to convince the Company not to take away our Medical?
I am one of those TMs talking about leaving. I go to a couple specialists once a month ,that are necessary, and would not be able to afford the cost if it wasn't for BCBN (even with I hardly can, but just save the co-pay up every time I know a appointment is coming up).
I figure I have a year, I already looked into one company I'm interested in, and they starting wage is about 3 dollars more than Target, and at the pay I'm at right now, 70 cents less, to start. Team Leads or as they call them Shift Managers make about double of my current wage starting and Shift Managers in Training about 5 dollars less than that. The stores are a lot smaller and seem to be way easier to manage. We shall see.
Who would we speak up TO if we are trying to convince the Company not to take away our Medical?

I have feeling someone in a suit with a slide rule and an abacus has decided that a bunch of team members working part time without benefits but are desperate for a job will take over for us.
Probably those decision makers are also the genius behind opening at midnight, and stretching the team as thin as possible to keep profits up. Who to talk to? The company has been telling us they were getting rid of PPO's for a few years now. Too costly for them. Maybe someone from HQ is reading this - and they will postpone the changes again, but I doubt it.
Voting with your feet no longer works in this economy. Any time someone walks out the door there are ten people waiting to snatch up your spot. Therefore, Target (or any corporation for that matter) knows they can get away with any cuts they want to make to save money. When society as a whole stops settling for second best, that's when you'll see a turnaround, until then, good luck.
Voting with your feet no longer works in this economy. Any time someone walks out the door there are ten people waiting to snatch up your spot. Therefore, Target (or any corporation for that matter) knows they can get away with any cuts they want to make to save money. When society as a whole stops settling for second best, that's when you'll see a turnaround, until then, good luck.

There is the other option ...

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