Archived Best Company Ever? Really?

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lol that's how I think about target this time of year....survivor island!

Idk the last three years I had survived based off of hard work. This year I switched into psychological manipulations.
I can't speak for all team leads, but I love my team members so much... want so much for them... and really feel like I'm being discouraged by MY leaders when it comes to mentoring them. I am constantly drilled for results, results, results, yet given no direction on how to develop them and no resources to motivate them. I used to be encouraged to work hand-in-hand with my team to build morale and help with retention. Now I'm expected to delegate and walk away. You are not wrong. Feedback, mentoring, partnership, engagement... the Target fundamentals are things of the past.

So sad, but true. It has got to get better, right? Probably not! I can just imagine what it is going to be like when the STL has a team lead meeting in the near future and says,"Sorry all team lead positions are eliminated as of today. Tomorrow you are all team members!"
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I don't think they'll get rid of TL though I wouldn't put it past them to make what used to be TL's down to what used to be Specialists, so they don't have to offer them nearly as good of benefits, pay, etc.
So sad, but true. It has got to get better, right? Probably not! I can just image what it is going to be like when the STL has a team lead meeting in the near future and says,"Sorry all team lead positions are eliminated as of today. Tomorrow you are all team members!"
Welcome to the real world -- Neo

Welcome to Retail.

The real world doesn't always work that way.. at least not when you work in an industry that requires an education, and can't be outsourced. Sure people will call off, but when you are paying them upwards of 50,000 a year and they know their boss won't tolerate any B.S, they are coming in more often than not.
Well said =)
The quality of leadership -- i.e., leadership engagement with team members, follow-through, and being actively engaged with anything that's happening in the store each day -- seems to be declining at my store, and fast.

Is this common with Target? (I've been with the company now for about 1.5 years.)

I came across this today
Absolutely none of this applies to any manager I've ever worked with at Target.

I have, and am, thinking about looking elsewhere for a job, but holding out for the moment, mainly because I didn't want to "fail," so to speak. I set an objective for myself when I came to work with the company -- to learn the company and its processes well enough to reach the level of TL. The SrTL and ETL who supervise me and my team don't provide any feedback and seem altogether uninterested in team members' professional growth. In fact, storewide, they have cut our hours so severely that we generally have one person in SL and one in HL during the day, and we are a SuperTarget. (I do not count our team leads, as when they actually do show up, as opposed to calling out, they rarely do anything resembling work.) Our specialty teams are not completing their work on time, partly as a result of assisting with guest calls and calls for backup. We get slammed with sales one day, and berated the following (in the huddle) for how lousy the store looks (the phrase our STL used was "it's an embarrassment," which is an accurate, but misplaced, criticism.) Employee morale is in the toilet.

Is this really all the "best company ever" has to offer?
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