Archived Calling in New Years Day (Jan 1st) Flow Team. Can I get in trouble?

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I can only hope they were a happy drunk (and didn't drive to work).

A little too happy. I've mentioned him before:
My old store had an ETL who used to get VERY drunk fairly often. You could always tell when it was one of those days because while he's normally a very serious person with a "take no shit" attitude, some days he was extremely happy to see everybody and practically vomiting rainbows while copping a feel. He fell off several ladders, dropped more than a few pallets with the stacker, and even managed to fall out of the wave. When I was backroom TL, I had an understanding with my ETL that this guy wasn't allowed in the backroom. I made his equipment keys disappear and had a standing order with my TMs that no one was to lend him theirs.

This guy was a walking time bomb. Every TM knew it and it and it became a running (but very very sad) joke. Our STL would never acknowledge the problem when anyone went to him about it. This went on for almost 6 FUCKING YEARS before corporate got tired of the many many sexual harassment complaints on the hotline and finally fired his ass. In what I'm sure is no small coincidence, the number of workplace accidents dropped like a rock the year after.
I wouldn't expect many shifts coming your way if you call in, especially if your attitude comes across the same way as your posting on here. If you don't want to work minimum wage retail perhaps it is time to pick up a trade or seek out new opportunities. Going to a job you dread or don't care enough about the others that you would call in while knowing they would be worse off doesn't make it sound like it's a great place for you.
Last year I worked that day and screw it! I hated it, I couldn't even do anything with my family and friends, not even drink, what's ths point if you can't celebrate. I don't think I'm going this time, a lot of people called in that day, yes they were very, if not extremely low staffed that night, but I don't care anymore, i haven't called in like about maybe 7 months, and done it only 2 times. I'm definitely not going especially if it's at 2am, I no longer care. My question is are there any retaliation or something for doing this?
Depending on your existing attendance, you can be coached or written up. Hours drop. Unlikely to be called to pick up shifts.
My store posted the blackout dates at the beginning of August...

Days off can still be had. I know. Taking three off Xmas week. But don't want to work as a reason isn't going to get you out of working.
If you don't "care" about your job, then you need another job.

Trust me. ;>)

I disagree. Target is a good place to work and not care. Target doesn't exactly care for it's employees and makes it difficult for the dedicated ones to climb up the management ladder.

A job is a symbiotic relationship. Target reaps what it sows. Apparently the OP has something going on in his/her store that doesn't inspire the OP to care too much. If it was just a matter of poor work ethic on OPs part, Target could certainly show OP the door.

So, if you want to call out, do so. You hours might get cut, or might not. You know best your store's culture, and whether or not it's a big deal to your co workers if they get extra work courtesy of you.
Unfortunately, most young people today have a terrible work ethic. 🙁
People have been saying that since the time of Socrates.
This generation will say it about the next and it will be just as wrong as it was back then.
Judging an entire generation by its lazy malcontents is every bit as bad as judging a race the same way.
Unfortunately, most young people today have a terrible work ethic. 🙁

Sir Paul disagree's with this statement and we always listen to Sir Paul.
Unfortunately, most young people today have a terrible work ethic. 🙁
Can you give a reason why anyone normal Flow TM should care?

Something that's not "you'll screw other TMs" because when they call out they clearly don't give a shit
Not all young people have a poor work ethic. That would be like saying all older workers are slow( which isn't the case ) cant paint everyone with the same brush .If someone wants to call out...then so be it ...that's their choice and right to do so. Could there be backlash? Yes, there could be but that's up to the person calling out weigh the risks. If they don't care they don't care...that's not on me that's on them. Would I call out ? No. but that's just me .
Look man just enjoy new years, your flow most likely nothing gonna happen to you. Unless you are seasonal nothing happens no hours cut or anything so stop worrying and have fun life is too short for all that.
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