Archived Calling off on Christmas eve?

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Sep 7, 2015
I'm a cashier and I'm scheduled to close at 11:30 on Christmas Eve which is probably the worst shit to ever have. I've tried asking all of my coworkers to switch with me but no one wants it. I have a big family and we always have a big party on Christmas Eve and I'm upset that I'm gonna miss out on it. My 90 day probation period has already ended 3 weeks ago and I have never called off nor have I ever been late so do you think they'll let me off the hook if I do?

Family is everything to me and I would rather spend it with them than deal with angry guests doing last minute shopping. I could care less about the $1 pay tbh. I've missed out on my Thanksgiving dinner for working Black Thursday and I'm not about to miss out on Christmas.

P.S I know I sound like a whiner lol. But if you were GSTL/ETL, would you fire me?
You're new, you're closing, and you want to call out. What do you expect? You're new! You're going to get the shitty shifts. Why screw your coworkers over? Personally, I think it's repulsive to do that shit when you chose the job in the first place.

They can't fire you for calling out, but if you're going to be unreliable like that, don't be surprised if you're fired for some other unrelated issue. I don't know what response you expect. There's no simple answer. Fact of the matter is, if you're going to pull this crap, that's the image you have to stick with. When it's time to cut the seasonal help, you're fair game.
You could of asked for it off, weeks ago. Did you happened tell spot about it at the interview? Waiting till now, chances are slim. You might want talk to your gstl or etl without delay.
Low man on the totem pole. Sucks, but it is what it is.
I personally wouldn't do it. You would probably cause the cashier who gets off before you to have to stay longer which I'm sure they wouldn't want to.
I, for one, am excited to work and grub on all the free food they're giving us. My family will party without me, but will wait for me to get home after work to open presents. I can still drink myself into oblivion, too.
I'm a cashier and I'm scheduled to close at 11:30 on Christmas Eve which is probably the worst shit to ever have. I've tried asking all of my coworkers to switch with me but no one wants it. I have a big family and we always have a big party on Christmas Eve and I'm upset that I'm gonna miss out on it. My 90 day probation period has already ended 3 weeks ago and I have never called off nor have I ever been late so do you think they'll let me off the hook if I do?

Family is everything to me and I would rather spend it with them than deal with angry guests doing last minute shopping. I could care less about the $1 pay tbh. I've missed out on my Thanksgiving dinner for working Black Thursday and I'm not about to miss out on Christmas.

P.S I know I sound like a whiner lol. But if you were GSTL/ETL, would you fire me?
What kind of person are you? You're putting more work on your co-workers. I hope you feel terrible about yourself if you call out.
Sounds like you've made the decision then. Why are you asking us? To hope we'll help rationalize your calling out? If family is more important, do it. But it's a business, realize you might get talked to and you probably won't be favorably written into the schedule in the future.
You could always try the swap board. If you decide to call out.... be prepared for shit from the team!
If it were me, I would have posted it on the swap shift board upon the schedule posting or work the shift.

A lot of TMs would like to be somewhere else on Christmas Eve. Being a holiday shift, the chances of a coaching or CA would be high.
I don't think low man on the totem pole has anything to do with it.I'm the highest in carts but I close that night.but please don't call out.
You've made your decision, most of the people here aren't going to be impressed because they know what it's like to get screwed by people who just decide to bail, no, you won't be fired but if you're seasonal you won't be kept on and if you're regular you won't get any hours in the first quarter.
I'm a cashier and I'm scheduled to close at 11:30 on Christmas Eve which is probably the worst shit to ever have. I've tried asking all of my coworkers to switch with me but no one wants it. I have a big family and we always have a big party on Christmas Eve and I'm upset that I'm gonna miss out on it. My 90 day probation period has already ended 3 weeks ago and I have never called off nor have I ever been late so do you think they'll let me off the hook if I do?

Family is everything to me and I would rather spend it with them than deal with angry guests doing last minute shopping. I could care less about the $1 pay tbh. I've missed out on my Thanksgiving dinner for working Black Thursday and I'm not about to miss out on Christmas.

P.S I know I sound like a whiner lol. But if you were GSTL/ETL, would you fire me?

Family is everything to you? So you're assuming the rest of the people working would rather be at Target than with their families? Let me let you in on a secret, you're not special. You spending time with your family is no more important than anybody else spending time with their family. You assume by declaring that 'family is everything to me' that somehow changes the fact that you have a responsibility to the store and your coworkers, it doesn't. Suck it up, Buttercup. You may not get fired but people won't forget.
Should have put it up on the swap board the day the schedule came out. People in other departments may have picked up that shift. Some people are tripping over themselves trying to get that extra $1/hr.
I can't wait for all the call outs at my store so I can personally hate those jerks for making an already crappy night that much worse.

You know what people will hear when you call out? Unrelenting, "Additional cashiers to the front check lanes."

Be a responsible adult, suck it up and work the night. We at least have Christmas off to spend with family.
The op asked if we ( members of this site) thought they would get in trouble for calling out on Christmas eve. I don't see where anything they said warrants asking what kind of person they are...or even suggesting they are a bad person. IF I was scheduled till almost midnight on Christmas Eve..I would probably call out my damn self and I have been doing this for over 19 years. So, does that make me a bad person? Does that mean I don't care about my job? Maybe the OP should had thought about this before the schedule was made...but that doesn't make them a terrible employee and or person.
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The op asked if we ( members of this site) thought they would get in trouble for calling out on Christmas eve. I don't see where anything they said warrants asking what kind of person they are...or even suggesting they are a bad person. IF I was scheduled till almost midnight on Christmas Eve..I would probably call out my damn self and I have been doing this for over 19 years. So, does that make me a bad person? Does that mean I don't care about my job? Maybe the OP should had thought about this before the schedule was made...but that doesn't make them a terrible employee and or person.
But I think the point most people were making was calling out last minute. At least let them know ahead of time you can't work that day.
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