Archived Calling the integrity hotline.....

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Also I would like to add that even if you win your office politics battle your still going to be labeled "not fast fun and friendly", "not a team player, and "not having the vibe". Target wants A-Type extroverted personality types based on the myers brig personality scale. So even if you win the battle, it would negatively effect your career probably, and you would probably not get promoted ever. I've noticed some team leads never get promoted and they just stay there forever for +8 years, even when they never complain, try hard and are team players. So do it if you don't care about Target as a career, planned on quitting anyway, but don't do it if your trying to make it your career.
If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.
If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.

Report it to your APBP? That's what I'd do anyway.... Just mention it and ask if its a big deal or not, and see what their reaction is.
If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.

So isn't this just proving what I originally said? The vast majority of the time, all making a hotline call does is risk your job/reputation in the store if someone finds out it was you.... even for a legit issue such as the one you mentioned.

The problem is, people are essentially trying to "tattle" on management for issues other than AP (theft,etc). This is pretty much unheard of at other companies. At other companies, the company doesn't give a rat sh** about what an employee thinks of his/her manager. Don't like how things are? No problem. There are 1000 people on the unemployment line waiting to take your place.

The only problem is, Target doesn't give a rat sh** what TMs think of their managers either.... they just *pretend* they do.

The fact is, Target would much rather the store execs find out who called and find a way to push the TM out the door. As far as Target is concerned, any TM who has an issue with their leader is a trouble maker who needs to be shown the door. Of course, no one exec level or above will tell you that.....
It is suggested to read the updated hotline pamphlet located on the info board near your break room, at your store.
Efficiency and morale thrive off the chain of command. Deviating from that course
will induce chaos and anarchy which apart compels the importune of revolution.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be
no result." -Mahatma Gandhi

"The way to be nothing is to do nothing." -Nathaniel Howe

"Between the great things we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is
that we shall do nothing." -Adolph Monod

"My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do
nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt." -Anna Sewell

"Do nothing which is of no use." -Miyamoto Musashi

"It is better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing." -Winston Churchill

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do
nothing and succeed." -Lloyd Jones

"No man should think himself a zero, and think he can do nothing about the state of the
world." -Bernard M. Baruch

"When we do ill the Devil tempteth us; when we do nothing, we tempt him." -Thomas Fuller
Efficiency and morale thrive off the chain of command. Deviating from that course
will induce chaos and anarchy which apart compels the importune of revolution.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be
no result." -Mahatma Gandhi

"The way to be nothing is to do nothing." -Nathaniel Howe

"Between the great things we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is
that we shall do nothing." -Adolph Monod

"My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do
nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt." -Anna Sewell

"Do nothing which is of no use." -Miyamoto Musashi

"It is better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing." -Winston Churchill

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do
nothing and succeed." -Lloyd Jones

"No man should think himself a zero, and think he can do nothing about the state of the
world." -Bernard M. Baruch

"When we do ill the Devil tempteth us; when we do nothing, we tempt him." -Thomas Fuller

I usually don't quote long posts but this one bears repeating.
If something is frelling wrong and the ETLs are doing nothing about it, you should make every attempt to fix it and that includes the hot line.

One of the things folks in my neck of the woods like to say all the time is "It is what is."
This pisses me off in so many ways it's not even funny.
What if Martin Luther King had fallen for that tripe? Or Gandhi? Or Desmond Tutu?
Not saying it's going to work and sure there may be repercussions but there often are for doing what's right.
But there always are for sitting back and letting people do wrong.
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If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.

So isn't this just proving what I originally said? The vast majority of the time, all making a hotline call does is risk your job/reputation in the store if someone finds out it was you.... even for a legit issue such as the one you mentioned.

The problem is, people are essentially trying to "tattle" on management for issues other than AP (theft,etc). This is pretty much unheard of at other companies. At other companies, the company doesn't give a rat sh** about what an employee thinks of his/her manager. Don't like how things are? No problem. There are 1000 people on the unemployment line waiting to take your place.

The only problem is, Target doesn't give a rat sh** what TMs think of their managers either.... they just *pretend* they do.

The fact is, Target would much rather the store execs find out who called and find a way to push the TM out the door. As far as Target is concerned, any TM who has an issue with their leader is a trouble maker who needs to be shown the door. Of course, no one exec level or above will tell you that.....

This is where your completely wrong. Target does want you to tattle on your leadership. Target does care what its leadership is doing. And Target does want you to use the Hotline which is why they promote is so much as part of their open door policy. Not because they give a crap about team members but, they want to avoid legal problems and PR disasters. It also gives HQ a good idea when a stores team members are so upset that a union has an opening. The hotline when used for legit issues not only helps the store but, it also protects the company. Target would much rather take a hotline call and fire an STL than face a lawsuit from a team member who felt thier sexual harassment claims were being ignored or a team member with a disablity that felt they were not being given hours because of it, or a team member that felt they were passed over for promotion because they were a minority. Target wants to know these things and end them before it ends up costing them money. It just so happens in this case corporate greed works in favor of the little guy.
If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.

I haven't been put in a situation like this yet but what I would do is tell my APBP. I would tell him what happened and tell him it would be a good idea to come to the store and do a store partnerships assessment. That way it doesn't seem like he was only looking for that one issue but just doing a blanket sweep with the assessment. That way hiding the fact that he was really after that 1M7 that is missing.
If the integrity hotline is meant as an AP tool it sure doesn't work that way at my store. In over two years I have never received an AP related tip through the hotline. I do get them frequently in person from TM's. Personally there has been many times I have considered calling simply because if the policy violation is committed by a etl or the stl what other recourse do you really have? The problem I have is even if I remain anonymous they will still know it was me.

Example: I audit the master key box and see we are missing a 1M7 key (store master key) The STL doesn't want to report it because the entire store will have all the locks replaced at a cost of over $5,000 and look really bad for the STL. So the STL says nothing and submits the audit report to district saying all keys are accounted for. The way I see it if i report this and the STL doesn't get fired I would be screwed. If the STL is fired i would still be screwed in the long run with the other executives. And if I look to transfer stores all the STL's in my district are real close so which one is going to want me at their store? Sadly the best thing in my opinion is to let them know you got something on them (in a non-threatening way) and that you are going to keep it between the two of you. They tend to be really easy to get along with after that.

So isn't this just proving what I originally said? The vast majority of the time, all making a hotline call does is risk your job/reputation in the store if someone finds out it was you.... even for a legit issue such as the one you mentioned.

The problem is, people are essentially trying to "tattle" on management for issues other than AP (theft,etc). This is pretty much unheard of at other companies. At other companies, the company doesn't give a rat sh** about what an employee thinks of his/her manager. Don't like how things are? No problem. There are 1000 people on the unemployment line waiting to take your place.

The only problem is, Target doesn't give a rat sh** what TMs think of their managers either.... they just *pretend* they do.

The fact is, Target would much rather the store execs find out who called and find a way to push the TM out the door. As far as Target is concerned, any TM who has an issue with their leader is a trouble maker who needs to be shown the door. Of course, no one exec level or above will tell you that.....

This is where your completely wrong. Target does want you to tattle on your leadership. Target does care what its leadership is doing. And Target does want you to use the Hotline which is why they promote is so much as part of their open door policy. Not because they give a crap about team members but, they want to avoid legal problems and PR disasters. It also gives HQ a good idea when a stores team members are so upset that a union has an opening. The hotline when used for legit issues not only helps the store but, it also protects the company. Target would much rather take a hotline call and fire an STL than face a lawsuit from a team member who felt thier sexual harassment claims were being ignored or a team member with a disablity that felt they were not being given hours because of it, or a team member that felt they were passed over for promotion because they were a minority. Target wants to know these things and end them before it ends up costing them money. It just so happens in this case corporate greed works in favor of the little guy.

I think RedDog hit the nail on the head....Target is ALL about the bottom dollar. A TM stealing a soda or t-shirt (heck, even 100 or 1000 of them) does little to hurt their profits. On the other hand, a sexual harassment or discrimination lawsuit not only hurts their "corporate pocketbook", it brings bad publicity (even if only on a local level). Unionization of the workers will also cut into profits and they want to know about those efforts to quash them before they become reality. Negative publicity cuts into profits more than employees stealing ever could. So, while the "IH" may have initially been instituted to quell employee theft, like everything else in life, things change and it has evolved over time into a multi-purpose tool for employees to utilize when they either feel their voices aren't being heard or wish to remain (somewhat) anonymous.
Efficiency and morale thrive off the chain of command. Deviating from that course
will induce chaos and anarchy which apart compels the importune of revolution.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." -Edmund Burke

"You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be
no result." -Mahatma Gandhi

"The way to be nothing is to do nothing." -Nathaniel Howe

"Between the great things we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is
that we shall do nothing." -Adolph Monod

"My doctrine is this, that if we see cruelty or wrong that we have the power to stop, and do
nothing, we make ourselves sharers in the guilt." -Anna Sewell

"Do nothing which is of no use." -Miyamoto Musashi

"It is better to do the wrong thing than to do nothing." -Winston Churchill

"The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do
nothing and succeed." -Lloyd Jones

"No man should think himself a zero, and think he can do nothing about the state of the
world." -Bernard M. Baruch

"When we do ill the Devil tempteth us; when we do nothing, we tempt him." -Thomas Fuller

I usually don't quote long posts but this one bears repeating.
If something is frelling wrong and the ETLs are doing nothing about it, you should make every attempt to fix it and that includes the hot line.

One of the things folks in my neck of the woods like to say all the time is "It is what is."
This pisses me off in so many ways it's not even funny.
What if Martin Luther King had fallen for that tripe? Or Gandhi? Or Desmond Tutu?
Not saying it's going to work and sure there may be repercussions but there often are for doing what's right.
But there always are for sitting back and letting people do wrong.

The phrase of "it is what it is" really used to make me angry because it is saying that nothing can be done. While for a moment this phrase is comforting, it only becomes positive when you finish the phrase like this: "it is what it is and unless I do something to change things, then it really is "what it is."
Once you take this in...unless I do something....nothing will change.

Great men and women did "something" to make things better....or they created something to make things better.
Sometimes you have to stand up to stand out and be one who is not afraid to go it alone.....chances are that someone else will join you.

Integrity hotline or the end You as an individual have to decide what is right. You have to stand up for something and follow that issue and take it to a resolve that may end up hurting yourself....but be proactive.

In life, we all have just one thing that is truly ours....our name......don't dirty it up by not doing what is right.
I admit some people use the hotline for "little things" but there are legit times to call the hotline such as when you have done everything you could and nothing happens.
Rule #1 trust no one ...#2 know what ever you say can and will be held against you #3 head down and see nothing ..retalation is their game and they use it daily only its hard to.prove because tm have no one to go too ..
Rule #1 trust no one ...#2 know what ever you say can and will be held against you #3 head down and see nothing ..retalation is their game and they use it daily only its hard to.prove because tm have no one to go too ..

Heck, I found that what you haven't said (IE people lying to managers saying I said stuff that I didn't) will be held against you, too.

But beyond that, holy necro, batman!
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