Archived Can I be terminated for losing a walkie?

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I lost a walkie once. ONCE.

I was helping with carts one time during the winter, and my walkie must've fallen off my coat into the snow. I told my ETL and he joked that I'd have to pay for a replacement, but nothing ever came of it, even though I was already on corrective action at the time.
Equipment was never tracked carefully at either store I worked at - this was pre MyDevice though.
New policy states automatic final warning.

Same here. Even for not wearing the clumsy holsters too. Potentially.

The devices I get. The man purse, meh. Third day after that huddle I went my entire shift without one. Not a single tl/etl said anything and I wish they would.
Shit. We don't even get terminated for my devices being lost. And lost walkie? They just buy more.
One time, I was doing a carry in, and while helping him, the guest said "Oh yeah, and this accidentally came home with me!" He then handed us the PDA that someone else left in his car while they were doing the carry out.

So, there's hope for its safe return!
I haven't seen pics but I understand they're like the ones I've seen at Lowe's and grocery stores use. They clip to the waist and it has a line attached to it so it.
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