Archived can i get in trouble for forgetting or not taking a 15

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Aug 22, 2013
Just wondering. Some days I have a big workload and I'll forget to take my last 15 because I get so into working and focusing on my job. I never forget the meal break of course. Has anyone done this? No one ever says anything to me about missing a 15 minute break.
Happens to me all the time....the only time I "get in trouble" is when the person who is supposed to relieve me (so I can go before them ignores my MULTIPLE requests for them to come relieve me so I can leave) whines to the ETL so their break is delayed, who ALSO ignores my explanation that I need someone to relieve me so I can go. In the end, I just end up leaving and if people get pissed off because their prescriptions aren't ready when they're supposed to be, I guess it's not MY fault, because HEAVEN FORBID "someone" be late for their break or actually HELP out a fellow team member!!! 🙄
Yes and no.
Here's the deal, they would be perfectly happy if you never took your 15 minute breaks but it's company policy to give them.
If you miss some it's not really a problem unless they decide they want to get you.
As long as you are in good standing it's not an issue.
I skipped mine for almost six months.
Oh okay.I can see if I or someone was skipping a 15 and just fooling around not working on the clock which is wrong. But I'm constantly working. I deserve to take all my breaks but when I'm zoning my mind is just focusing on the zone and not every single break if you know what I mean lol
You probably won't get in trouble until someone starts complaining that they never get to take their breaks. Or until they notice that you're never on break. Even then, most likely they'll just tell you to take your breaks. The big one is meal compliance, so take your lunches on time and you should be golden.

For what it's worth, I encourage you to take your paid breaks. Target is paying you for fifteen minutes to do nothing. So if you work through a break, then you are essentially giving that fifteen minutes worth of pay back to target, since you'd be paid either way. Basically for that fifteen minutes, you're working for free. Now, have I missed breaks in my time with Target? Yes. I used to skip breaks almost daily because I'd get wrapped up in what I was working on, but I don't do that anymore. If target wants me to take a break, I'll take a break. The work will still be there when I get back. Or if I haven't taken a break all day, I might take a few minutes after my lunch or take a last break in clerical before I leave. If I'm working 8 hours, by policy I'm owed an hour's worth of breaks, 30 mins on the clock and 30 mins off the clock. Why should I work when target wants to pay me not to work?
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I've resorted to skipping my breaks as GSA because the LODs don't want to cover them. The STL yelled at me this weekend for it, and my ETL told me that I really needed to take them. I told him I would as soon as I started getting more support for them. That lasted an entire 15 minute break last night before things were back to normal.
I have angerd them before by just doing my 15 minutes break right before punching out.. but they can't do anything because the company owes me a paid 15 minute break.. but I'm overnights.. we kinda have different rules (its not easier mind you just different)
Probably depends on how your stores (area, district) sit with your labor board... Our store you don't miss breaks. Everyone gets them on time mostly it seems too.
In my short stint as produce/meat at a SuperTarget, my TL definitely encouraged us NOT to take our 15 minute breaks. "I won't tell you NOT to take your 15....but we have a pretty big workload for tonight!". Yeah, every freaking night. I hated her so much.
When I worked hardines I would always take all my breaks, but thst because the TL I always worked with was super on top of everyone's breaks and made sure everyone got their break.

Now that I'm in softlines I only take my meal breaks. I rarely take a fifteen unless I'm in a crappy mood or if I get hungry enough I need to take one. Both my TLs for softlines know I don't take them and they always tell me I should, but they don't care if I take them or not.
I almost never take my second break when I work 7+ hours, unless someone tells me to or it's slow/I'm especially exhausted. I mean, when it's chaotic, we've got a call out and a NCNS, guests are backed up, and people are coming at you from all angles asking for help with photo and the registry kiosk, you can't really stop and go on your break.
I forgot to take mine today, but I had planned to do it as soon as I hit that 7th hour. Usually it's only an hour after lunch, but it's not my fault that I'm made to take my lunch at 5.5.
LOD/ETL/TL: did you take your 15 minute break?
TM: yes, yes I did.

they may know you didn't but as long as you say you took it it's all good.
First, I've got to say I've been guilty of this too. Second, do any of you realize by skipping breaks you are contributing to the culture of disrespecting and over working team members? The next time your feel over worked & like the more you do the more they expect remember you are culpable as well. 'They are already expecting the impossible. To much work in to little time. If you skip 2 breaks, that is 30 extra minutes to try to do everything they expect. How is that right? How do we justify that? I'm a super hard worker. I struggle with this issue daily. I really think we need to stick together and support each other. One way to do that is to stop cheating by working during our breaks. It's so unfair to team members who need to take brakes for whatever reason. I hope I don't sound to preachy. But I wish everyone would just stop and think about this for a minute. Isn't it a bit arrogant? "This task I'm doing is so important I can't afford to take a break!" Really? Is it more important than every other task?
I am adamant about taking breaks. It infuriates me that people brag about not taking their breaks. The company does not have to provide them at all, yet they do. They are figured into time management and how many hours it takes to complete a job. We have a thread where people are angry about the wage increase they receive for the amount of work they do, yet they are willing to give the company anywhere from $2-$4 every single day by working during their breaks. It is arrogance and stupidity. Can anyone just follow procedures and rules anymore without thinking that the store will go under if they don't????
I would love to take my breaks...but when I can't get the support to cover the lanes to do so, or get retaliated against for wanting to take them, I'm sort of backed into a corner.
One thing that too many ETLS/TLS don't think about is when holding the closing team hostage to recover the store, most of those team members earn a second break. Look at your stores rules for breaks and the next time they use the "we should wrap up in another 30 minutes" let them know you need another break.
Breaks are not intended to be an option. Talk to HR or call the integrity hotline.

What a former Sbux TM had to do, cause they would straight out ignore her.. Then tried to put her on CA for just taking a bathroom break and leaving Sbux without anyone.. But after 3+hrs what is one to do when you have to pee and have been ignored over and over again.. She walked out shortly after that, but they never did put her on CA.. I think they found out it wouldn't have been a good idea..
One thing that too many ETLS/TLS don't think about is when holding the closing team hostage to recover the store, most of those team members earn a second break. Look at your stores rules for breaks and the next time they use the "we should wrap up in another 30 minutes" let them know you need another break.
This! this! This!
It's every night at our store. We're lucky to get out 1 to 1 1/2 hours after closing but most don't get their last break.
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