Archived Can you get paid leave if a box fails on you?

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Jan 26, 2013
In short, someone left an item way out in a case pack area, me and another TM we in an asile when I moved the ladder and a relatively weighty box fell on us.

Would target just send me home if I will out an accident report? Or is it paid? I was in clear view of the camera. I don't care for reporting it though if it means being out of work
Were you injured? If yes, fill out the incident report.
Was it severe enough that you couldn't continue to work? If yes, fill out the report & find out where you need to go for evaluation of your injury & treatment.
Have you filled out an incident report? Even if you don't think it's bad enough to see a doctor, fill out the report so it's on record should it impair the ability to do your job later. If you don't you'll be SOL.
Filling out a report covers you now AND down the road should a dormant injury become aggravated from work.
If a dr decides your injury is severe enough to keep you out of work or in a light duty capacity, they'll send the info to Target.
Target maintains their own workman's comp fund because each state has different standards but outsider's WC has to meet minimum standards of coverage.
If you don't improve within the time frame given, you'll need to go back to the dr.
Either way, cover your ass & fill out the report.
If you don't, you forfeit your right for any type of coverage now or later.
So I agree with Red and Hardlines, you need to fill out the report.

What will happen after you do is that you'll be sent to the clinic for a check. They'll do a drug test then also.
You'll then work with Sedgwick our work comp provider. If the incident is considered work related they will get restrictions from your doctor and Target will accommodate them.

If you can't work, you'll receive partial pay until you can return to work.

It's vital you fill the report out and go through the process. The longer you wait the harder it is on your body but also, you lose credibility.
Also, if you have a second job that requires you do the same type of physical activity that you do at Target, you would have to stop working at that job, too. If you do have to stop both jobs, Target will only pay on your Target wage.
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