Archived Cartwheel hell is back

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54 days of 50% off the toy of the day on Cartwheel is back on the 1st. The toy will not be revealed until the LOD comes in the next morning, the stores are not to sign it (yeah, sure) and each store will have at least 6 units.

As usual, we don't price match, but you know many will try, some will find a TM who doesn't know any better and succeed, and the rest of us will have to pay the price for 54 long days.

Kill me now.

You guys get six? We usually only have four of the item. If we're lucky.
You guys get six? We usually only have four of the item. If we're lucky.
I don't know if we have 6 all the time, but the communication we received said each store would have at least 6.
We had six... That were on today's truck. Guess which area flow does last? Yup.

And I knew the tent was the daily deal, I didn't know about the pop vinyls and a lady basically ripped my head off. Like sorry I don't religiously study cartwheel.
We had only one for the last month. We had six arriving on a truck three days after it was the Cartwheel Toy. Wonderful.
is this toy at target and when will it be on cartwheel ??? my little sis ask for this one ....

Hello Kitty just got real ...


Say Hello (Kitty) to my little friend — Sanrio's famous mascot as a custom assault rifle
We only had four of yesterday's toy at opening for some reason. Our operator was STILL getting calls asking for the item to be held when I left the store at 4PM.
So guys when these offers say "One per guest" what exactly does it mean?

Because I literally get people like "oh fine my (5 yr old) son will buy the other one" or a family (husband, wife, kids) comes in like "we don't live together" (in some cases, probably true but considering how often they play that card....I don't think so). Bonus points for using another person but the original buyer uses their phone/card/money

At what point can you deny another purchase if it's "one per guest" because it's really annoying how they attempt to cheat the system like this.
None of our chewbaccas sold! We have like 20 of them sitting around. They're all dirty and gross from kids throwing them around.
Wasn't there an "advanced" list last year? I thought I remember that we as team members knew like what the toys were gonna be a week ahead of time, but maybe I'm dreaming. Does anyone know of a list last year? I'm curious what was on it, I forgot haha.
Wasn't there an "advanced" list last year? I thought I remember that we as team members knew like what the toys were gonna be a week ahead of time, but maybe I'm dreaming. Does anyone know of a list last year? I'm curious what was on it, I forgot haha.
There was a list last year that was leaked online. Resellers heavily took advantage of it and ruined it for everyone. In response, Target started to deviate from the list and choose random toys and everyone lost interest.
This morning around 10am the LOD told a TM that, yes we could hold the 50% off high demand cartwheel toy for the guest on the phone. They took it to guest service but at some point it guessed it...reshopped. Now guess who had to deal with the very upset guest when she drove over an hour to pick it up. Yep. That would be me.
On Friday, the Toy of the Day was Little Tikes Trampoline. We had so many guests that came through for it. On hand count showed 4, but we were sold out for days, since the last shipment. I hate disappointed guests, but it is what it is. Had to correct that issue.
The little tykes trampoline was a living nightmare. We had a line growing at the door before the store opened and the team member who went to get the additional stock from the backroom was mobbed at the door.

One of the seasonal team members saw the chaos and started crying, went to HR and claimed to be "emotionally traumatized" to work either Grey Thursday or Black Friday due to what she just witnessed.
The little tykes trampoline was a living nightmare. We had a line growing at the door before the store opened and the team member who went to get the additional stock from the backroom was mobbed at the door.

One of the seasonal team members saw the chaos and started crying, went to HR and claimed to be "emotionally traumatized" to work either Grey Thursday or Black Friday due to what she just witnessed.

Did it work?

If nothing else I have to admire their moxie on that one.
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