Archived Cartwheel Scam

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Sarcastic Cashier
Jun 24, 2017
So I was ringing up a guest the other day and he was trying to purchase a playstation giftcard. When it came time to pay, he held his phone up and said he wanted to pay with cartwheel. My first thought was "wtf you don't pay with cartwheel" but when I looked at his screen it wasn't even the cartwheel app. It was a picture of cartwheel and he was trying to get me to scan the barcode. I told my GSA after I sent him away and AP kept an eye on him since he was creeping around the store after that. He tried buying a pack of redbull at some point too at another register.

So I wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this.
Really smart people hack our system and create barcodes that work like giftcards. There was one for $25 off $25 that was static, meaning it could be used over and over again. I had some lady come to Starbucks and try to use it to buy an iced tea and a $25 gift card. She held it up, I knew that no drinks were on cartwheel and looked at it. I just told her, "No." She asked, "Why?" I looked right at her and said, "That's not happening at my store." I made her pay cash for the tea and voided the gift card.

I think that they sell the barcodes on the dark web (or whatever that shit is called).
I think that they sell the barcodes on the dark web (or whatever that shit is called).
The deep web? It's possible. I can't imagine the white moms that shop regularly doing that sort of thing, to be honest. But hey, who am I to judge?
Record the numbers and report it to AP so they can research it. If its a stolen or hacked giftcard, they can get it deactivated.
The deep web? It's possible. I can't imagine the white moms that shop regularly doing that sort of thing, to be honest. But hey, who am I to judge?

Never seen a white mom in lululemon yoga pants holding their skinny carmel macchiato do it.

There are a few choice demographics that do it, and it's not them.

Every day it's something different. We are so far behind them, it's pathetic. I can't ring every sale in the store. Sometimes, I'll poach people from line when I suspect something. Sadly, I'm almost always right. Our cashiers are so dumb, getting quick changed, taking travelers checks, taking stolen cards, selling $1,000's of iTunes cards, it's almost pointless to bother really. I can catch one person concealing $8 worth of make-up and the lane next to me is cashing in $2000 worth of gift cards. What's the point?
A new scam the other day was a guest who came for an online pickup, got the merch and cancelled the order right before the process button was pushed on our end. And they were out the door before we realized what happened.
A new scam the other day was a guest who came for an online pickup, got the merch and cancelled the order right before the process button was pushed on our end. And they were out the door before we realized what happened.
I really hope there's a way for the CSC or to pull up her info from the order and charge her anyway.
Lol, that doesn't work, that's like paying for something and doing a chargeback for no reason. After a little checking the charge back is reversed and you get slapped with fraud.
I've seen that Cartwheel screenshot scam thing a few times. I once had a lady actually get mad and ask to speak with a manager when a cashier didn't accept it. I was GSA and came over and told her straight up that's it's fradulent and illegal and she still felt like we needed to "honor it" for some ungodly reason.
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