Archived Cashier Shift

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So-Called Something Or Other
Oct 28, 2015
I got a voicemail from a TL today about picking up a shift. I didn't answer because I didn't really want to go into work today because I had plans for the evening, but then I listened to the voicemail and the shift was for tomorrow.

I decided I wanted a nice shift for extra hours, so I called and took the shift I was offered because I don't have many hours this week anyway and have no big plans tomorrow. Also, I like my store. It's a bigger one and fun to work in. I've also had a little bit of days off and to be honest I am bored without work and school.. 🙂 It's 7.25 hours (4:00-11:15 + lunch) but the TL I spoke to (the one that left the voicemail had left for the day) said "The cashier shift?" and then they said something really fast that sounded like "Oh wait never mind I'm talking to ___ (my name)" in Spanish. And then in English "Okay, see you tomorrow, thank you for helping!" So I guess they thought I was a cashier taking up a shift or something because I know one with a name like mine but it's not identical.

On the other end, I can imagine that they were talking to another TL who were closing tonight or something like that. I was going to ask but it has been added to the schedule as Softlines - Sales Floor. If the whole shift was as a cashier, would it say that, right? If not, the same TL that I spoke to is closing tomorrow so I will be able to talk to them then.
They probably confused you with the other person, but needed help in softlines as well. You got lucky, enjoy the extra hours.
Thanks 😀 Softlines is my workcenter so that's good.
Thanks 😀 Softlines is my workcenter so that's good.

The person who added you into the schedule probably just typed in your shift quickly, and didn't assign a work center. When they don't assign a work center, myTime defaults to having you within your home work center. So the person who added you into the schedule probably forgot to schedule you under "cashier" or didn't know how. Either way, you're getting hours 😛
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