Archived CCA

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Aug 15, 2014
today i was put on a cca for something that happened on Friday by my stl btw i was using my phone at the service desk to send a text i was using voice to text he accused me of either being on a phone call or video call
he even asked me at the time what i was doing and i apolgized but he decided to throw me on to a cca for 6 months i dont know what to do
he didnt coach me he put me on a final warning i never even got a first warning
and to reiterate he didnt say i was texting he accused me of being on a video call or phone call
If you were using your phone for non-work related reasons while on the clock, you can be disciplined.
It was only after Cartwheel & a few other functions that TMs were allowed to have their phones on the floor at my store so if you're seen using it for a personal call you can/will be disciplined.
a cca seems a little extreme for a text also being accused of the something diffrent then i was dong i belive led to said extreme a coaching or verbal warnning sure
i can see that but not a god damned cca
Have you been coached or put on CCA for any job performance issues in the past?

Either way, the best advice I can offer is to not do it again.

Also, arguing that you were written up for taking on the phone while you were actually dictating text messages is not going to get you anywhere. It would be like getting pulled over for texting while driving and telling the cop you were actually sending an email.
i have not been coached nor put on a cca in my 6 year with target
There really isn't anything you can do except never make that mistake again.
The stores can pretty much play fast and loose with the levels on the those kinds of transgressions as needed.
If there is a major problem with it in the store they can jump up the punishment level.
Unfortunately, that also means if you are a golden child they can bump it down but that's for a different thread.

Put your phone away when you're at work, it'll save your job.
Put your phone in your locker & away from the service desk. What might happen was, your dtl walked in & saw you texting away...
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he didnt coach me he put me on a final warning i never even got a first warning
and to reiterate he didnt say i was texting he accused me of being on a video call or phone call
Did you get a copy? A final warning should be a 12 month, not 6 month period. Ask for clarification. Do not use I was texting as an excuse. Still not supposed to do that.
Regardless of what specifically you were doing, fact of the matter is, it wasn't work related. Lesson learned. What do you do? Don't do it again. That's it. I don't understand why people like having their phones on them while on the floor. Just carry a mydevice with you. It's got Cartwheel on it.
Regardless of what specifically you were doing, fact of the matter is, it wasn't work related. Lesson learned. What do you do? Don't do it again. That's it. I don't understand why people like having their phones on them while on the floor. Just carry a mydevice with you. It's got Cartwheel on it.

We never have enough mydevices and half of them aren't working.
Our GSA's are always on their phones texting. We are encouraged to carry our phones on us so we can assist guests better with cartwheel, coupons and looking up stuff. I think spot should get more mydevices or pay part of our phone bill. I had to use my personal cell phone several times yesterday so I could assists guests.
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Don't use your phone on the clock. And if you must take a bathroom break. Why I like my set up. FitBit like device I can tap canned responses that send without me going anywhere near my phone. Texts read out to my wrist. Get sneaky.
Your STL did nothing wrong, you did whether you like it or not. When you're at work, either at Spot or anywhere else for that matter, personal use of your phone is not allowed. Get used to that.
We never have enough mydevices and half of them aren't working.
Our GSA's are always on their phones texting. We are encouraged to carry our phones on us so we can assist guests better with cartwheel, coupons and looking up stuff. I think spot should get more mydevices or pay part of our phone bill. I had to use my personal cell phone several times yesterday so I could assists guests.

No, you did not "HAVE" to use your personal cell phone to assist guests. You CHOSE to do that. Using your personal phone is not a work requirement by any means. That's also why Target isn't liable if you break your phone while helping a guest, because you're not obligated to use your phone. It's just something they allow for those that want to. If GSAs are texting, and you feel the need to do something about it, then do so. The solution isn't to start texting as well. What the hell kind of logic is that?
This or send them to guest service to have them call. My phone is for my use.

I wouldn't call at even when I worked at Guest Services. Too much to do, and nine times out of ten you would get thrown into a 5-10 minute loop while the operator tries to get someone to confirm that they have one on the floor.
Really? Your store doesn't have an item in stock so you make the guest who drove to your store for that item call another store?
Really? Your store doesn't have an item in stock so you make the guest who drove to your store for that item call another store?

Pretty much. Part of it is because at one point we were told by our ETL-GE that we shouldn't waste time calling other stores for guest, and partly because I got other shit I need to do and spending 5 to 10 minutes on the phone with another store for a guest isn't an efficient use of my time.
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