Archived Celebrity Doppleganger...

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Nov 9, 2014
Has a guest ever told you, they think you look like a celebrity? Did they start calling you by their name? How weird was it?
Not exactly a celebrity, and not exactly a compliment, or a positive comparison.

A guest had thought I was Trayvon Martin (Mind you, I'm like half his height, a lot lighter, much much much much smaller and skinnier, but y'know) and rose from the dead.

Almost got fired that day.
Definitely not a celebrity, but I was wearing my jacket since I just clocked out, and some girl mistook me for her boyfriend. That was awkward for all involved.
One lady was so sweet to me one time. She didn't say I looked like a certain celebrity, BUT she went up to me and said I can't help but say you look like a little movie star! Then she complimented me on my long eyelashes & continued on about what mascara I use. I told her which mascara and sent her to the mascara isle and she bought it 🙂
No one has mistaken me for a celebrity in person...

But a regular guest who comes in looks ALMOST identical to James Hetfield of Metallica... Quite a striking resemblance, actually.
I haven't had a guest compare me to a famous person, but the Internet told me I looked like David Beckham and Hu Jintao. I tried one of those doppelganger generators once, and they were my top two matches.

I don't look anything like either of them.
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