Checkout advocate shift?


Aug 6, 2021
Okay so I’m normally a sales associate in style but I just checked my schedule and one of my off days turned into an 8 hour shift for being a checkout advocate, I only have like 30 minutes experience on the register so I’m completely sweating bullets. In the 4 months that ive worked here ive never been on the schedule for anything other than style. I hate being on the register, that’s why I applied for a sales associate position, I offered my shift up with the quickness on mytime so hopefully someone will take it soon. Any tips on how to survive this shift? Or should I just call off if no one takes it? lol
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If you can't get out of the shift, tell whoever is at GS that you are completely clueless and why so you may be calling for help on basic things. People being prepared to help me worked for me, as my schedule would go for months with only operator shifts (which meant I was exempt from backing up), then a single non-operator shift, and then months again, so I never had a chance to learn, practice and retain beginner stuff.
Weird. I've had way more awful Karen experiences just trying to walk through style on my way to the back then I've ever had working the service desk.
I've very rarely had a guest give me trouble in softlines. I hear them raise a ruckus at GS occasionally, though they really aren't true Karens. Thankfully we don't get many of them at my store.
I’m very used to the Karen’s, but working in soft lines I don’t normally get them on a daily or a weekly basis. And yes I’m well passed my 90 days. And it’s just one day on the schedule so I might just call in lol
I think people are misunderstanding me lol I never asked for hours, I get enough already, at my store they’re suppose to ask you if you can work in another department before they just schedule you for it. And this shift popped up after the wall schedule was already posted.
Oh, man, I'd quit before I'd work an 8 hour on the registers. Much sympathy, and I hope you can unload the shift.

Have you been around long enough and/or do you have enough capital to go to your ETL and be all "I accidentally got scheduled as a cashier and I can't make this shift..."?

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