Archived Closed on Easter?

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Schedule is up, and instead of the forty hours I usually get I have 32 and only 4 days. Wtf?
I don't know how it is in your stores but Easter for our store has resulted in some horrid hours. Everyone is getting about half what they usually get (HR claim was that it was 'kinda tight') and most of our workloads are being doubled up due to them making such reductions in hours. I get to look forward to coming in at 4 AM to do ad then proceeding with pog. I only have one day to set all of entertainment in the midst of our new typical ad hour availability meaning two in softlines and two for all of grocery/hardlines (5 total including myself) in a super target. Awesome. Gonna have a ton of left over time for pogs for sure (/sarcasm).
Schedule is up, and instead of the forty hours I usually get I have 32 and only 4 days. Wtf?
My store asked the TLs if we wanted Easter and our regular day off or if we wanted to work our regular day off. Most of us took the extra day off. But I'm pretty sure TMs did not get a choice. It's just a "free" day.
I got cut down to 32 hours as well, except I'm always off on Sunday's already. And then I was scheduled outside of my availability to come in at 4am on Monday for the truck.

Is it possible our Sunday FDC truck got pushed back a day? Only reason I can think of for scheduling the unload 2hrs earlier than normal and adding extra TMs to Flow.
I got cut down to 32 hours as well, except I'm always off on Sunday's already. And then I was scheduled outside of my availability to come in at 4am on Monday for the truck.

Is it possible our Sunday FDC truck got pushed back a day? Only reason I can think of for scheduling the unload 2hrs earlier than normal and adding extra TMs to Flow.

Or ad setup since we can't do it Sunday. That's what I scheduled people for at my store.
I got cut down to 32 hours as well, except I'm always off on Sunday's already. And then I was scheduled outside of my availability to come in at 4am on Monday for the truck.

Is it possible our Sunday FDC truck got pushed back a day? Only reason I can think of for scheduling the unload 2hrs earlier than normal and adding extra TMs to Flow.
Add setup or truck. You can check redwire for the pdf of whether your store got changed or not and to when.
Maybe it's just at my store but they're calling the Friday and Saturday before Easter black-out dates.

I mean, they scheduled me off those days, so I have a three-day weekend, and if they try calling me, they can think again because I'm not working.

They have people coming in on Easter Sunday at my store to reset miniseasonal and flow to push stuff out (not a truck but just like fill consumables).
They asked if I wanted to do autos Easter morning and I said I'd get back to them. No way I'd get 1.5x right?
I have more hours than usual that week, and I don't consider easter to be a day off in the work sense lol. Here's my logic: when people who work m-f get a holiday, they only work 4 days that week. I have to do eastery junk, so it's not even a relaxing day off of work.

If I were someone who was always looking for more hours, I'd be okay with it, but otherwise I've been annoyed every Christmas and easter because I "only have one day off" (in quotes because I understand others don't feel this way). And on top of it, I have multiple 5.5s that week. I abhor 5.5s because I only get one break and my joints/body hate it.

But I digress.
This sums up my feelings about Target being closed on Easter and having that Sunday off. I think most team members probably feel like this.
The store being closed on Sunday is going to cause all hell to break loose on Monday.

Today, flow team came in at 4am and somehow only got done with pets/chem/paper and bowled out market. By 11am there were only 2-3 flow TMs left to push market and it took an extra 5 backroom TMs and 3 hardlines TMs to finish.

So Monday they come in at 4am again and now have to work a likely huge trailer plus everything left from Sat, plus FDC (usually done on days opposite from the GM trailer).
We kicked it 'til 12, getting shit right.

I got to leave @ 11, lulz
Is anyone else working on Easter? I'm working on pushing-out CAFs (they apparently will be dropping on Easter?) with two other Team Leads and several HL and BR TMs.

It's only a 4.75hr shift, but I'm happy to be getting the hours either way! We had a special sign-up sheet in Clerical for anyone interested in working Easter Sunday.
Is anyone else working on Easter? I'm working on pushing-out CAFs (they apparently will be dropping on Easter?) with two other Team Leads and several HL and BR TMs.

It's only a 4.75hr shift, but I'm happy to be getting the hours either way! We had a special sign-up sheet in Clerical for anyone interested in working Easter Sunday.
I've heard of others who are doing that, but nobody at my store is doing it.

ETL-LOG can adjust when the autofills drop. And I assume there won't be any hourly CAFs since nothing will be purchased.
So; just got finished my shift, and have to say it was quite the experience!

No guests (in the store), being able to focus entirely on tasks--and getting 100% true backstock that I was able to put in via SUBT-999 so it won't come out again in the next CAF? AMAZING.

Our 1 o'clock CAFs had two batches. Twelve and Eleven o'clock CAFs were bigger, though.

I have to say, I wish we were closed more often--it felt GREAT to clear out all the POGs, EXFs, CAFs, and RSCH batches and backstock EVEVERYTHING that was leftover!

It was pretty crazy watching guests driving up continuously though... Before I started my shift, I literally watched guests in 37 cars pull up to our front doors and/or park their cars, walk up to our front doors, and then look completely confused and slowly wander away... More than one even tried to force the door, apparently thinking they were stuck!

All in all, a great day for getting work done! 🙂
Did they press their faces to the glass & wave at you to come open the door?
One lady was tapping loudly with her keys. Flow just looked at her....and kept working. lol
Haha Pretty much! We have a large Indian population, so there was a fair bit of head nodding/two-finger beckoning going on the few times any of them did see us. That being said, we're in a two-story building where the ground floor is nothing but parking, our AP Office, and escalators and stairs to the main (second) floor, so we didn't have too much trouble!

One lady at the beginning of the day did rant a bit (according to a TM waiting to be buzzed-in) about how 'unprofessional' it was for us to 'be late opening the doors' as she 'need[ed] to get in quickly to pick-up Easter Eggs for [her] child's egg hunt in 30 minutes!'
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