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Being AP, it is surprising the amount of loafing most (about 70%) of the store's team does during the day. It's easy to see on camera.

Even the dang ETLs come into the AP office and just's annoying.
I know a few HL TMs who will find any excuse to hide in the back, Toys/Electronics or less populated areas of the store. When they do work, they do good hard work. It's just a matter of hoping they're up to snuff. And I dunno if this deadbeat BR TM is still around, but I've had to "help" him set the line up. I've been informed that he'll take an hour lunch (even after being told not to by leadership), disappear for 15s every hour, and repeatedly ask if he can leave. At first I didn't mind it, he was new. But after a while and a whole lot of inaction, it'd really kill my mood going in for my shift and "asked" to help.
There's a small story with mine

So, about a year ago my store was terrible. Terrible. Nothing got done, team didn't care, sales were never met, and BTS came and went and we became a focus store (I wasn't part of the store yet). Then leadership changed. All of it, or at least most of it. Of the STL, 4 ETL's, and 8 Team Leads that were there a year ago, only three team leaders remain (and one moved from AP to sales floor, that's how I got to this store.)

Once all the new leaders came, the store was basically put on notice, improve and change with the times or get out. SO much turnover, but the ones that stayed didn't get with the program, just did enough to not get fired. Of course the new TM's we bring in aren't always winners and there's TM's from before the shift that are actually really good. But when you talk about "dead weight" the vast majority of them are TM's from before the leadership change that don't like the fact that they can't get away with doing nothing anymore.
I want to say flow has the most dead weight. The problem there is that it isn't that they don't work hard, it's that they don't have time to do quality work. I would say that most of our 4x4's are to rezone badly stocked areas. Stationery was a nightmare. If I had a tl yelling at me .... 30 seconds a box!!!!!!! .... I'd just shove stuff anywhere.

I'd estimate about 25% as dead weight. Department-wise, the backroom is high on that list. Pog, is, pricing, all have to pull their own stuff. And we are still not clean back there. I watched a backroom tm stand and talk to a pog tm for over three minutes. And this was while the pog tm pulling stuff. I thought.... Shouldn't the backroom tm be pulling that instead of talking to you??
Pog, is, pricing, all have to pull their own stuff. And we are still not clean back there. I watched a backroom tm stand and talk to a pog tm for over three minutes. And this was while the pog tm pulling stuff. I thought.... Shouldn't the backroom tm be pulling that instead of talking to you??

At least in my store, POG pulls their own stuff unless we are asked to pull it for them.
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