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@sabria. Something you may not have learned yet, is that if you're going to spend the extra time at work, don't spend it putting out fires.

You are one person, and you can't ever set enough salesplanners or push enough freight to catch up. You're misdirecting your energy putting out fires, you aren't really fixing anything.

My advice to you is to start coaching tms yourself. Its tied to your metrics, and has a real measurable impact on the store. Tell your peers you are giving them the resources to do well, in this case, employees. It's up to them to use them.

From there, elevate your HR tm and push for him to be a Tl. Develop him and tell your DTL that he is worth the investment, and it would free you up to lead other areas while adding talent to the organization.

At the end of the day, you made a large impact, increased a metric in your own workcenter (absent %, etc) and developed another leader. This will get you promoted, or give you leverage to get yourself transferred out.
oh believe me I've already started coaching. However there are some salesplans that just needed set to fill some of the most valuable endcaps that have been sitting empty. Those are the main ones I've been focusing on which I've had some help from other leaders and a couple TM's who are actual workers. I've trained a couple too who I've identified as strong workers with a lot of potential. I already know that probably a month down the line I'm going to talk to one of our HL TMs about becoming a TL or brand team member. We just still have some leadership that isn't on board with truly changing the store for the better I feel which is going to hurt us.

We'll need all the leadership in the store on the same page to really ever get our store out of its rut.

And I'd love to promote our HR TM but for one our store isn't allotted an HR TL. Number two my HR TM is pretty happy with their position and has refused TL in the past for other areas of the store.

@sabria @sabria I'm sure your shoes are difficult and excruciating. Maybe just focus on changing the culture instead of submitting to its perceived "shitness". If it sucks get the wrong people off the damn bus and get the right ones on. You have the power and it's kinda your job. Any damn TM off the street can complain about how shit everyone is. They didn't need to hire you and pay you a salary for that. Go change some things. Be counter-cultural. That's all I'm saying. Half full....see it half full and fill that Mother-F**** to the brim and overflowing. Screw what the numbers look like and reports say!
I never "submitted". Submitted means I've given up completely. If you had actually read before pretty much insulting me you'd see that I've already coached - I've identified strong performers who will help pull out of this rut. I talked about how accountability hasn't been a thing at the store and a few of us are trying to bring it back. This is a thread asking about deadweight. I posted that a lot of my store is deadweight right now. I didn't say they aren't savable. Again this is thebreakroom - this forum isn't here to sugarcoat the bad and pretend things are great like the political system of Target will. I like being able to speak my mind here and I will continue to do so.
I'm confident that we'll be able to change some TMs' work ethics with a better leadership approach in the store - but not all. I'm also not sure how likely it is that some of our leaders will improve - that'll be the hardest part.

In fact in my last posts I literally said we're working to try to get the "wrong people off the bus and the right ones on". Yes I do have the "power" however there's more process to it than just going up to someone and firing them. I imagine it'll take at least 6 months to try to get the team restored a bit - and even then thats considering we have ALL the leadership on board.
@oath2order let me rephrase simply here so you can follow my logic. You get hired and then call everyone in your store shit. To me...that's a shitty perspective no matter what store and or situation you are in. Hope you can follow my logic. I feel it's quite simple really.
Your logic isn't so simple really - or it's at least hard to follow. Considering I really don't think you understand what a truly broken store is like. On here I'll complain if I want to, it's part of why this forum is here. What matters is I do truly care about my store and I really am dedicated to working towards improving it.

Document your events for dtl.
I caved in and fired off an email to her with my concerns and asking for some direction/advice on whether or not I'm overstepping or anything with my concerns/ideas. So we'll see if it bites me or not.
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@Bosch bitter about ungrateful, complaining, half full employees...why yes....yes I am

You are the bitter one. And going back to reread your post possibly jealous of the OP you are complaining about that you didn't get the job she got while not qualified for.

If even half of what she says is true, you need to get off your butt and have her back, she is trying to change your store for the better.
If your store is as red as you claim, then you'll have a new STL by May.

I'm sorry you know so much more than I do about how my store operates. I haven't been in my store for long but apparently you've been here longer?

I'm a realist. My store is the worst in the district in all areas except red cards actually. We're red all over the board. Our HR process actually flows pretty well even before I got here (special thanks to our rockstar HR TM). I don't mean to sound like I'm the best worker here. I'm not. That'd definitely be our ETL Logistics who pretty much has been doing the same approach as I am now - trying to pick up all the slack in general areas.
You are the bitter one. And going back to reread your post possibly jealous of the OP you are complaining about that you didn't get the job she got while not qualified for.

If even half of what she says is true, you need to get off your butt and have her back, she is trying to change your store for the better.

Cute theory @Bosch. At least you have @Firefox & @Hardlinesmaster taking a ride on your junk. Maybe Sabria will start dating you online now for being her Prince Charming protector.
That's cute, Ross. So first you start off by attacking someone who is new in role that has taken the time to identify problem areas within the store and is working on addressing these problems by going above and beyond the call of duty to try and correct the issues. Then, when rational people call you on your shit, you start to personally attack people that haven't even entered the conversation. You're making some great first impressions here.

Also, aren't you a Sr. TL? I have to say, I would hate to be in your department because you really aren't doing a good job of displaying your leadership skills.
[Warning=Stop It Now] This is the kind of crap that gets threads closed and people banned.[\warning][/Warning]

That's cute, Ross. So first you start off by attacking someone who is new in role that has taken the time to identify problem areas within the store and is working on addressing these problems by going above and beyond the call of duty to try and correct the issues. Then, when rational people call you on your shit, you start to personally attack people that haven't even entered the conversation. You're making some great first impressions here.

Also, aren't you a Sr. TL? I have to say, I would hate to be in your department because you really aren't doing a good job of displaying your leadership skills.

@Firefox I was hired as an external because of my leadership. I fight for my team. I fight for having a positive perspective of everyone. I fight for honoring my leadership whether I agree with them or not. I fight for my store. If @sabria is doing the same and I just misread her and got it wrong, good for her. We need people like her if her heart truly is in the right place. I just hate this site sometimes because it causes good people to say bad things. But I don't fight or care to impress your ass with my "leadership skills". I honor Target, my store, my leadership and my team. You....I could care less about what you think kind sir 🙂
Welcome to the shit storm @Loki hahaha. Just another useless forum blown way out of proportion. I'm a guilty contributor though. Just wish I actually saw less useless venting. This might as well become the I hate Target and my job forum and it frustrates me. And obviously....that frustrates everyone else. Welcome Loki 🙂

Well you picked the wrong thread for that.

I have actually received quite a bit of assistance on this forum.
@Firefox I was hired as an external because of my leadership. I fight for my team. I fight for having a positive perspective of everyone. I fight for honoring my leadership whether I agree with them or not. I fight for my store. If @sabria is doing the same and I just misread her and got it wrong, good for her. We need people like her if her heart truly is in the right place. I just hate this site sometimes because it causes good people to say bad things. But I don't fight or care to impress your ass with my "leadership skills". I honor Target, my store, my leadership and my team. You....I could care less about what you think kind sir 🙂

That's fine. Just don't attack bystanders just because we "liked" one of your oppositions' posts.
@sabria Can I just borrow you for my store? Instead of letting a srtl talk shit about me on the floor where anyone can hear it you could slap her? Instead of letting the same troll spout off profanity and play racist rap music you could insist on brand on and off stage.

Which reminds me, it's time to chat with my own etl-hr. We've yet to have a chat about my crap pay and the troll.
Hey guys, just take a chill pill. It's getting pretty juvenile. These condescending passive-aggressive posts add nothing to the conversation.
Going back to the ACTUAL topic of this thread, I'd say flow team at my store has the bulk of the dead weight- it was so bad that our last Flow TL quit out of frustration and hopelessness, and that our current Flow TL has had anxiety attacks and a handful of emotional breakdowns because of some of the people she has to deal with. Maybe 20% of flow team at my store knows how to do their job properly, the rest just don't care enough to bother trying and/or refuse to listen to their TL because it hurts their so-called manly pride to take orders from a woman. I regularly have to remove carts full of bedding that were overstocked in the wrong locations. Yet, due to chronic understaffing at my store, apparently we can't afford to fire the idiots who are making literally everyone else do 10x more work.
Going back to the ACTUAL topic of this thread, I'd say flow team at my store has the bulk of the dead weight- it was so bad that our last Flow TL quit out of frustration and hopelessness, and that our current Flow TL has had anxiety attacks and a handful of emotional breakdowns because of some of the people she has to deal with. Maybe 20% of flow team at my store knows how to do their job properly, the rest just don't care enough to bother trying and/or refuse to listen to their TL because it hurts their so-called manly pride to take orders from a woman. I regularly have to remove carts full of bedding that were overstocked in the wrong locations. Yet, due to chronic understaffing at my store, apparently we can't afford to fire the idiots who are making literally everyone else do 10x more work.

Sounds familiar.
For an update on my own situation. My DTL emailed me back. She'll be passing through tomorrow and wants to sit down with me - sounds good though. Her email basically without giving too much away told me that changes are coming and my concerns are known and that she's happy with the direction I'm going. So we'll see what tomorrow brings. Todays my day off. I just woke up, feels wonderful.
Going back to the ACTUAL topic of this thread, I'd say flow team at my store has the bulk of the dead weight- it was so bad that our last Flow TL quit out of frustration and hopelessness, and that our current Flow TL has had anxiety attacks and a handful of emotional breakdowns because of some of the people she has to deal with. Maybe 20% of flow team at my store knows how to do their job properly, the rest just don't care enough to bother trying and/or refuse to listen to their TL because it hurts their so-called manly pride to take orders from a woman. I regularly have to remove carts full of bedding that were overstocked in the wrong locations. Yet, due to chronic understaffing at my store, apparently we can't afford to fire the idiots who are making literally everyone else do 10x more work.
We "fixed" that by heavily investing in training, I'm not just talking about training so everyone knows what everything is and what is best practice. I trained people on speed literally spend a day or two with nearly every person on ways they can speed up without exerting much more effort, even trained people on how to hold a conversation while working as morale is an issue and forcing people to quit talking is a moot point if they just quit because they hate the job. It was also used so I could closely evaluate people once at the start and two weeks later. That coupled with strong enforcement of attendance, even if it hurt us we dealt with those with poor attendance which more often lead to termination or people actually showed up for their shifts instead of calling out. Our understaffing issue is chronic just because we are a college town and most people willing to work flow/br are college students so any great or good workers we get often leave, if you last more than a year in logistics you're pretty much some of the oldest staff in the area outside of leadership.
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