Archived Closing shift always be trashing receiving

Is this a thing at your store too?

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Nov 20, 2017
This is becoming a serious problem at my store. Back in ye olde days we had a closing BRTL who would straighten the backroom and receiving every night before he went home, including setting the line for flow. Now it's like nobody is in charge after 6pm. We got dipshits using the line rollers as storage for their backstock, we have overflowing trash cages left in front of the overflowing baler, and random pallets leaning upright against the steel. Vehicles piled high with what I assume is backstock, or maybe partial push/backstock...who the fuck knows because they don't put clips on it. Flow is expected to start the unload as soon as we show up at 6am, which we can't do if receiving is a disaster. It throws off the unload process if some of us have to break away to straighten shit up as fast as we can. Lately the closing dipshits have started parking full vehicles in the fixture room which is a mellow harsher for us, because the bowlers use the fixture room entrance to back up into if we need to yield to someone else passing through the narrow aisle with their own vehicle (BRTMs doing pulls, etc.)

fOr ThE lOvE oF cHrIsT aLmIgHtY WHY

Now if I were leading this circus everybody would have 40 hours and the backroom would be spotless. But as it stands now just about the only time we walk in at 6am to a clean backroom is if the ETL-LOG closed the night before, but he almost never does. I'm still not sure exactly what the closers even do, it's not like the store is ever deep zoned in the morning, in fact it usually looks like the aftermath of Black Friday with slightly less reshop. The last time I closed I was specifically given the task of straightening receiving and setting the line, and as I recall it took about 30-45 minutes including making a bale. Not hard!

It’s more like the weekenders trash receiving and our receiver has to clean it up every Monday before she can do anything else.
For me most of the week is fine. Coming in after the weekend is hell, it can take me a few hours to get everything cleaned up depending on what the weekend was like. I've been really trying to get on people for leaving a mess and for the most part the closing team tries to at least keep it as organized chaos. The mess I am left with during the week in the morning mostly comes from Flow pushing everything out of their way and clogging up my area.
One side effect of E2E I have noticed is that no one longer gives a fuck about any team other than their own..

I think a lot of that is because there is so much piled up on all of our to do lists! With minimal hours to go around and fewer people on the floor, you're lucky if you can complete just what was asked of you in a single shift... add in at least an hour every morning for smart huddle, pushing leftover truck and the seemingly endless calls for backup, there's no time left to try and help anyone else! E2E has obliterated the "team" and created an "every man/woman for themselves" atmosphere. And frankly, it sucks.
One side effect of E2E I have noticed is that no one longer gives a fuck about any team other than their own..
I've been straight up instructed not to give a fuck about hardlines or help hardlines, by the ETL HL and STL. I'm supposed to stay in electronics and engage guests, even if that means the E&E zone slips a bit, and I've been specifically told I don't zone Sporting Goods. Of course, I do need hardlines to cover my breaks and lunches, so having a "I don't give a damn about hardlines" attitude is not helpful and breeds resentment. I don't really hold to it. I'll help hardlines with guests if they need it, because I need to have a functioning relationship with them. I don't think I should be zoning their area, but guest service? Yes, if necessary. Also, even though my marching orders are to prioritize guest service over the zone (STL and ETL HL would rather I zone the department okay and engage tons of guests than zone it excellently), the closing LODs don't accept that. It's all "you need to start zoning as soon as you clock in and zone right through the shift, and just zoning okay isn't good enough". Also, I often do get ordered to zone in hardlines.

I actually think the STL and ETL HL are right here, and wish ETL GE would let me go with that direction instead of holding me to a strict standard of zone quality. I have to check sales numbers every shift, and there's significantly lower numbers on nights where ETL GE is closing LOD and I spend the whole time zoning, versus nights where I skimp on the zone and focus on chatting up guests. Which is the whole point of telling me not to prioritize zoning or zone in hardlines.
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I'd say about 50% of the time receiving is a cluster bomb. 45% - minor mess. 5% - ready to go.
One side effect of E2E I have noticed is that no one longer gives a fuck about any team other than their own
This. Great statement. This is the mistake of ETLs and STLs not properly voicing the vision. End to end was supposed to eliminate that very problem. Most stores knew about E2E 2 years ago and were supposed to begin culture prepping their stores but most, like mine, waited until they got yelled at from higher up to make the switch in a matter of a few weeks and it totally threw the entire store process as a whole into a quickly moving shitstorm that we as TLs are fu**ing cleaning up and fixing. Our ETLs have never been so uninvolved... The only slack I give onto my higher ups is they dont know what they're doing right now either, are worried their jobs are going away in 8 months.
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I've been straight up instructed not to give a fuck about hardlines or help hardlines, by the ETL HL and STL. I'm supposed to stay in electronics and engage guests, even if that means the E&E zone slips a bit, and I've been specifically told I don't zone Sporting Goods. Of course, I do need hardlines to cover my breaks and lunches, so having a "I don't give a damn about hardlines" attitude is not helpful and breeds resentment. I don't really hold to it. I'll help hardlines with guests if they need it, because I need to have a functioning relationship with them. I don't think I should be zoning their area, but guest service? Yes, if necessary. Also, even though my marching orders are to prioritize guest service over the zone (STL and ETL HL would rather I zone the department okay and engage tons of guests than zone it excellently), the closing LODs don't accept that. It's all "you need to start zoning as soon as you clock in and zone right through the shift, and just zoning okay isn't good enough". Also, I often do get ordered to zone in hardlines.

I actually think the STL and ETL HL are right here, and wish ETL GE would let me go with that direction instead of holding me to a strict standard of zone quality. I have to check sales numbers every shift, and there's significantly lower numbers on nights where ETL GE is closing LOD and I spend the whole time zoning, versus nights where I skimp on the zone and focus on chatting up guests. Which is the whole point of telling me not to prioritize zoning or zone in hardlines.

One thing you wrote bothers me. It is your leaders job, specifically whoever is the LOD, yo ensure you get your breaks. The people working there aren't doing you a favor, they are doing their job. You shouldnt have to endlessly call on the walkie either. If the LID doesn't have a break schedule, I'd inform them on channel two, that I'm going to break. It's up to them to cover it.

Sorry if this is a dick statement, but I feel for the people in electronics who call out on the walkie asking people to cover their break. It's bullshit.
Blame target and your leadership. It comes down to no hours and less help. It's likely not that backroom doesn't care, it's that they don't have time to get to it. However at my store backroom is not in charge of trash, we're the only team that doesn't stand pallets up because we have a brain, and we can't put clips on anything because STL got rid of all the clips. So now we sometimes resort to just printing "push" on pieces of paper.

Backroom up until this E2E bullshit, We'd be spotless by 4pm. Then just pulling cafs and cleaning up anything that might come back, or dropping manuals. Mid until 7pm, closer until 9. Now you're lucky if mid stays past 5pm. We use to set the line up, sweep, move vehicles where they should be. Spotless.

But now with E2E, we still have a full backroom, but hours are cut and there's not enough time. They tell us to focus on either only getting grocery backstocked and nothing else, or just pulling and pushing cafs. Half the time the way receiving/line looks at 1pm, that's how it will look the next day. Prior to E2E it was NEVER the closers job to backstock. All the backstock would be done. The closer was there to pull batches and tidy up.

Then not only are you told to either get one area backstocked or pull and push..but then add in answering walkie calls, bringing up big ship from store items that are located in the back, possibly helping with a carryout (apparently we're the only guys in the store), doing flexibles and drive up orders once S4S team leaves. Target really started going downhill once they tried to implement this absurdly stupid end to end idea. They need to abolish that and go back to how everything was..unless their fine with everything just constantly being a mess.
Blame target and your leadership. It comes down to no hours and less help. It's likely not that backroom doesn't care, it's that they don't have time to get to it. However at my store backroom is not in charge of trash, we're the only team that doesn't stand pallets up because we have a brain, and we can't put clips on anything because STL got rid of all the clips. So now we sometimes resort to just printing "push" on pieces of paper.

Backroom up until this E2E bullshit, We'd be spotless by 4pm. Then just pulling cafs and cleaning up anything that might come back, or dropping manuals. Mid until 7pm, closer until 9. Now you're lucky if mid stays past 5pm. We use to set the line up, sweep, move vehicles where they should be. Spotless.

But now with E2E, we still have a full backroom, but hours are cut and there's not enough time. They tell us to focus on either only getting grocery backstocked and nothing else, or just pulling and pushing cafs. Half the time the way receiving/line looks at 1pm, that's how it will look the next day. Prior to E2E it was NEVER the closers job to backstock. All the backstock would be done. The closer was there to pull batches and tidy up.

Then not only are you told to either get one area backstocked or pull and push..but then add in answering walkie calls, bringing up big ship from store items that are located in the back, possibly helping with a carryout (apparently we're the only guys in the store), doing flexibles and drive up orders once S4S team leaves. Target really started going downhill once they tried to implement this absurdly stupid end to end idea. They need to abolish that and go back to how everything was..unless their fine with everything just constantly being a mess.
We are a pilot store for modernization. I have to say tho that most of the stories I hear on this forum are really bad. I know HQ wants this and that done and we implemented the e2e but at the end of the day it’s how your STL seems to wants things done that works for the business . My backroom pulls , price change, Plano pogs, caf, flex fill ,12 steps and all other backroom function, no backroom team member ever backups cashier. We have 2 receivers so receiving is always the cleanest area in the back. The closing backroom team member always sets the line for overnight . Even tho is called e2e store , backroom is in charge of all that. The only thing we don’t touch is market, but market has former backroom tm in their team. My STL is big on metrics so he won’t just let everyone walked back there and start fucking us up from being no 1 in the district.
No receiver on the weekends?

Weekends? Yeah right, ours can't even get break or lunch coverage so they bitch at her when she has three check-in's and she goes into compliance about twice a week.. We have had Coke call from the loading dock after sitting on the door bell for 20min asking if they would open the dock or they were bailing on the delivery. Same with Pepsi and anyone else who may need to deliver on a weekend.. Oh yeah our UPS pick up.. the LOD can't be bothered to go back there and let them in to pick up the SFS pallets.. Then we get bitched at the stuff is in the way of the truck unload the next day..
Weekends? Yeah right, ours can't even get break or lunch coverage so they bitch at her when she has three check-in's and she goes into compliance about twice a week.. We have had Coke call from the loading dock after sitting on the door bell for 20min asking if they would open the dock or they were bailing on the delivery. Same with Pepsi and anyone else who may need to deliver on a weekend.. Oh yeah our UPS pick up.. the LOD can't be bothered to go back there and let them in to pick up the SFS pallets.. Then we get bitched at the stuff is in the way of the truck unload the next day..
Insane , then your LOD needs to work a day in receiving, just to see how much you guys contribute to the business. We have 2 , always overlapping on the weekdays and weekends .
One thing you wrote bothers me. It is your leaders job, specifically whoever is the LOD, yo ensure you get your breaks. The people working there aren't doing you a favor, they are doing their job. You shouldnt have to endlessly call on the walkie either. If the LID doesn't have a break schedule, I'd inform them on channel two, that I'm going to break. It's up to them to cover it.

Sorry if this is a dick statement, but I feel for the people in electronics who call out on the walkie asking people to cover their break. It's bullshit.
Eh. As a general rule, I don't have to call out endlessly. Since I do try to help out hardlines with the stuff I can help with, I can get coverage. There was one time I nearly hit 5th hour because coverage wasn't coming, but that was because ETL HR told me not to go to lunch until 4:45 in, at which time nobody was actually around in hardlines (either on lunch or register). Such incidents are rare, though. That's not to say I don't skip breaks, because I probably skip ny last 15 more often than I take it, but that has more to do with ETL GE having sky high expectations for closers and needing the extra working time than a lack of coverage.
We are a pilot store for modernization. I have to say tho that most of the stories I hear on this forum are really bad. I know HQ wants this and that done and we implemented the e2e but at the end of the day it’s how your STL seems to wants things done that works for the business . My backroom pulls , price change, Plano pogs, caf, flex fill ,12 steps and all other backroom function, no backroom team member ever backups cashier. We have 2 receivers so receiving is always the cleanest area in the back. The closing backroom team member always sets the line for overnight . Even tho is called e2e store , backroom is in charge of all that. The only thing we don’t touch is market, but market has former backroom tm in their team. My STL is big on metrics so he won’t just let everyone walked back there and start fucking us up from being no 1 in the district.

My backroom, we do the CAF and auto pulls, price change pulls, help with flexibles and drive up, sometimes push the afternoon cafs, and pull electronics new releases. We never pull Plano batches and no one in backroom is ever pulled to get on a register. Most of the time their calling for backups at the checklanes as we walk by.

Backroom use to set some of the line but that was over 2 years ago now.

We didn't touch market when E2E first rolled out. We didn't pull their batches or backstock it. Before we used to pull all of theirs, backstock dry and coolers/freezer. But our grocery team blows so now backroom is again in charge of pulling all dry grocery and backstocking all dry grocery. So no coolers. Just pile on more work without more hours.

The higher ups make it nearly impossible to come clean. "Oh ok, there's a truck tomorrow so instead of me backstocking and cleaning the line, you want me to focus on just pushing the 3pm cafs instead of just sending them out with the autofill in the morning? Ok I'll leave it all a mess. Have fun flow team"
Insane , then your LOD needs to work a day in receiving, just to see how much you guys contribute to the business. We have 2 , always overlapping on the weekdays and weekends .

Our current ETL/STL crew actually do dirty work? Yeah dream the fuck on.. They can't be bothered to come out of the office unless it is to walk with the district people who come in. But actually do stuff, yeah no.. I take that back they will fill the little promo area by the check lanes provided someone else does the work of actually getting the product and bringing it to them.
Yes we are AAA+ store

Our current receiver doesn't even get 40 hours a week on a regular basis. Though he is trained in other areas. Some months, we don't have the payroll for one receiver, much less to support 2 receivers.

Our BR pulls Autofills, and backstocks the truck. They sometimes help put Manual Cafs & POG batches, and do 12 steps when they have time.
Our current receiver doesn't even get 40 hours a week on a regular basis. Though he is trained in other areas. Some months, we don't have the payroll for one receiver, much less to support 2 receivers.

Our BR pulls Autofills, and backstocks the truck. They sometimes help put Manual Cafs & POG batches, and do 12 steps when they have time.
Ours doesn’t even get 35 hours and some weeks they give her shifts to people that aren’t really trained to do everything in receiving.
We are a pilot store for modernization. I have to say tho that most of the stories I hear on this forum are really bad. I know HQ wants this and that done and we implemented the e2e but at the end of the day it’s how your STL seems to wants things done that works for the business . My backroom pulls , price change, Plano pogs, caf, flex fill ,12 steps and all other backroom function, no backroom team member ever backups cashier. We have 2 receivers so receiving is always the cleanest area in the back. The closing backroom team member always sets the line for overnight . Even tho is called e2e store , backroom is in charge of all that. The only thing we don’t touch is market, but market has former backroom tm in their team. My STL is big on metrics so he won’t just let everyone walked back there and start fucking us up from being no 1 in the district.
That’s not really modernization at all. They may call it that but that’s not what it is to 99% of the other stores.

Same with multiple receivers and weekend receiving hours...most stores don’t have that because it can usually be accomplished in 40 hours.
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