My store staffs it open to close and breaks must be covered. If there not covering it all the time then who answers the phones? makes no since to me to not have someone back there to me sounds like the management isn't managing there staff well. At my store it is part of the minimum staff they have to have. it gets priority over any floor positions.
Tsc/hr is operator in my store. Almost two years ago they stopped scheduling them all day. So softlines TMs/FR TMs had to learn to do the phones. So we cover the gaps in the hr schedule and we cover their breaks. I honestly don't understand how operators in other stores are able to do phones and fitting room full time everyday. Like we wouldn't finish anything ever if we did that. Sometimes I have to leave the fr to help phone guests because the floor isn't staffed well enough or everyone's on register or there's no SL sales floor people or just no one I'd responding. Then if I'm on the phone I just wave people in the fitting room because what is my other choice? I think having fitting room do phones is dumb unless your store is low volume/low returns or like don't get many clothing shoppers. If we have enough people on the floor, someone covers the fr breaks. If we don't, oh well, not my fault. Why was it scheduled like that? One day I was doing phoned because our tsc person switched over to signing (still in the office but now we're supposed to cover phones when they're signing) and I tried to get fr coverage and there was no SL tm around. I had to call the hr lady to cover phones lol. They just sort the signs. They can do that and answer phones. But I have to hang things, fold things, bring them to different baskets, check the fitting rooms, then if I'm doing one of those tasks, I have to run back to the phone to answer it. It's all bullshit.
And I dont even think phone guests are as important as the ones in front of me 99% of the time. Because who knows if they're even really gonna come in? I know the person in front of me could possibly decide against something based on how I treat them. The phone guest?